I just wanted to let everyone know that there are some storage spots open upstairs, including one of the larger spots on the wire shelves. Please PM me if you are interested in renting a spot.
This is an excellent time to mention this item from last Sunday's board offsite meeting minutes: The club will be implementing a limit on the number of carboys, buckets, and kegs that each member can store downstairs. That number is still not set, as space and an unused carboy purge will occur first. However, it is safe to say that everyone should be prepared for one spot on the carboy shelves for Apprentice level and two spots for Brewer level.
" everyone should be prepared for one spot on the carboy shelves for alchemist level and two spots for brewer level."
Is this correct?
That is an estimate. There will be an upcoming limit to the number of carboys each member may store on the carboy shelves, but we need need to organize and purge that area before the club can decide on a final number.
Matt, let me double Check with Jeff. I don’t think it will be one spot for Alchemist and 2 for brewer levels...
Oh, shit, I see it! No, Apprentice not Alchemist. Damb auto correct...
I'll edit