Girlfirend will be getting new appliances in February and needs these gone. The fridge and stove are the same as what we have now. The microwave is above-range. Does the club want these? We would need to pickup from Rogers Park.
Wed, Jan 8, 2014 - 8:08am
Free Fridge, stove, microwave, dishwasher
My vote is Yes. I was there when she thought about donating these originally and she said that the fridge would be larger than our current one.
For parties it would be nice to have the second stove...we had way too much food for one oven.
Could we mount the microwave under the bar?
Yes we could. We will need transport. any takers?
Dishwasher would be nice...something to throw all those glasses into and clean nice and quick.
As for the stove, we used to have two but got rid of one because it was taking up a lot of space. Same with the fridge.
I think we should swap out our fridge for the bigger one.
Dishwasher would be a big addition behind the bar...I missed that listed in the title first time around.
I agree on the space issue with the oven/stove, but man did it suck trying to keep all that food warm.
We used to have two stoves and didn't have the space for the second one, I think we should pass on it given that the second one is used 4 days a year annoying as it may be. The dishwasher and fridge; however, we should definitely get and at least upgrade our fridge even if we have to get rid of the old one.
Oh... my... god. Why haven't we done this?
I'm up for the dishwasher, microwave, and fridge (as long as we loose the current fridge.)
I wonder if the oven will be larger inside...we are limited to one food tray per shelf currently. Squeezing two trays per shelf would be wonderous.
The oven is big, would probably accomodate. I'll bring this back up when these are available.