Hi guys. Where would you like the bottles for the Horse Thief competition? Looking at the reservation system, there should be enough room in the large lager fridge. Is that cool with the competition organizers?
Last I checked space was limited in the fridge near the garage door.
Hi Brandon! Myself and Ken T placed our entries in the fridge by the garage door. If you move things around, I think it should be ok and won't be in the way after tonight.
I'll check all the fridges when I collect them. If I can't find someone's entry, I'll contact them directly. If you know you signed up but didn't end up submitting a beer, just let me know. When you drop off your entries, please label them (a piece of paper and rubber band are the easiest) with your name and that they are for the competition.
We've got a dozen entries, two sets of judges (including two national judges) and Dave Williams will be joining us. Come as early as you'd like, but stay downstairs while the judging is happening upstairs, please. We're shooting for the awards announcements and medals to be handed out at 8 pm. Bring bottles of your White IPAs or whatever else you'd lke to share.
Sounds good, thanks guys. Looking forward to this!
I'll be dropping mine off tonight.
Dropped mine off - in fridge by garage door.
Hi Folks. I'll be heading over the brewhouse later today (Thursday) to find the entries, organize them and make them anonymous (so the judges don't know whose beer is whose).
One last minute change though - Jeff Whelpley will be the competition administrator on the night of the competition. Kyle will continue as the lead judge. After two years of my MIL going through serious health issues, now my FIL is going through stuff. He was hospitalized ten days ago, went home but was back in the ER last night. I'm heading there (Iowa) tomorrow and will be gone over the weekend.
Sorry I'll miss this, have a blast!
Sorry to hear, Jim. Thanks for all the hard work you put into this. Hope everything is ok!
I'm sorry to hear about this, Jim. I hope all goes well and safe travels you.
Also, thank you for all the organzing you've done with the event so far!
Sorry to hear that Jim. Hope all turns out well.