HOP SCHOOL 2015 Cerveza De Mayo

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joefalck's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
HOP SCHOOL 2015 Cerveza De Mayo

Stout night is almost upon us, time to start the discussion for the School component of this years Cerveza De Mayo.  It's my opinion that it should be a hop school again, I feel like it's a great time of year to bust out all the refreshing flavors you can get with great hops, very fresh, spring flavors.  I remain open to suggestions, however.  Without further ado, a few things:


How do we want to go about hop selection?  Do we want to maybe focus on a region, like New Zealand hops for instance, could be interesting.

Do we want to brew another IPA?  Last year's recipe was phenomenal, but I was thinking maybe this year we could switch it up and do a Maibock, I have a great one.  lagering that many maibocks would require us starting pretty soon, but it could be a really nice twist.


Who is interested?  Last year we did 10, I think 8 might be better.       


Let's discuss...




kengetty's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Alchemist, member since
While its nice to think ahead

While its nice to think ahead to the next party's school we really need to stay focused on executing Stout Night.

ICEHOUSE 666's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 days ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
I'd like to brew a Maibock.

I'd like to brew a Maibock.

Boollish's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
For hop school, I'd be

For hop school, I'd be willing to order some of the hops from Yakima Valley. They've got some experimental hops that area pretty obscure. Most people probably haven't heard of Azaca or Jarrylo before.

Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
Alchemist, member since
I would be interested in

I would be interested in participating as well. I like the region idea since some may not be familiar with regional varieties but the idea of using new varieties would be awesome too!

ICEHOUSE 666's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 days ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
While on the subject of

While on the subject of Cerveza de Mayo, I think that brewing a few Vienna style lagers would be totally appropriate. 

joefalck's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
Im starting to really like

Im starting to really like the idea of a Southern Hemishere Hop Showcase.  Some really interesting hops here, Vic Secret,  Helga, Dr. Rudi...



Jim Vondracek
Jim Vondracek's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Alchemist, member since
I'd love to learn more about

I'd love to learn more about the Hop School - is this a group brew, with the same base recipe and different hop varieties?  

Southern hemisphere hops are interesting, I've used Rakau, Pacific Gem and Nelson Sauvign - I really like Nelson Sauvign in an APA that i've brewed a few a times.  A delightful aroma and flavor, with tropical and grape-y notes.  

A Maibock usually doesn't feature hops much - the BJCP guidelines call for low to none noble hop aroma and flavor.  Of course, there's nothing wrong with going outside the guidelines.  A nice APA or American Amber could be another fairly neutral base to feature and compare hop varieties.  



kengetty's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Alchemist, member since
Joe...Have you reached out to

Joe...Have you reached out to Yakima Valley Hops at all?  I think coordinating a hop rub during the party would be an awesome educational experience.  I've always wanted to smell the fresh hops as I'm drinking the final beer to better understand how the two translate to each other.

Hop Head Farms in Michigan might also be interested in collaborating on something like this too.

Jeff W
Jeff W's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 14 min ago
Alchemist, member since
Whatever we decide on, I'm in

Whatever we decide on, I'm in!

ktownsel's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
I'm in!

I'm in!

Rich's picture
Last seen: 4 weeks 13 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
Was there any interest in

Was there any interest in moving Hop School to Harvest Fest so we could incorporate wet and fresh-harvested varieties?

Matt O
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Alchemist, member since
I think that a regional

I think that a regional showcase would be cool. Make 3 beers with german, 3 with american, 3 with english or whatever region. Same recipe or you could modify it slightly: kolsch for german, blonde for american, bitter for english.

Zach Burns
Zach Burns's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
I'm in. Can do solo, but

I'm in. Can do solo, but would prefer to collabrewate.

Chris Heyman
Chris Heyman's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Alchemist, member since
I would love to join in on

I would love to join in on this as well, but I know previously the brews were always done by a single brewer. If collaboration on brews is not frowned upon, I would love to help out!

Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza.

- Dave Berry

Canuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Alchemist, member since
I'm in

I'm in

The emperor is not as forgiving as i am

joefalck's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
Collaboration brews are great

Collaboration brews are great.  Doesn't matter to me one bit how many people brew per batch, as long as the recipe is followed to the T.  I want to encourage maximum participation so I think that's a great idea.

Rich, a harvest Hop School would be great, especially to focus on American hops, maybe rope in Hoppy Bear Farms and or others.

Here's what I'm thinking thus far, we take the next 4 parties, so the next year's worth of parties, and do hop schools at each one, focusing on a particular region
Southern Hemisphere
That would allow us to really delve in to what each region has to offer and take the time to show case each one appropriately. Somehow I want to figure out how to serve flights at the parties, like on a paddle or tray or some shit, I don't know just yet…but Ken brought that up and I think it's a great idea. 8 beers per hop school, 2 oz. pours, you could do the whole flight in 16oz. that's reasonable. Present people with the option of having a single or getting the flight. Gotta figure out the logistics of how to pull that off, how to get/make enough paddles or trays, how to facilitate pouring them at the party, etc. In my mind I have a line of taps with a board/rod behind the handles, so you could pour a single, or place the paddle with all 8 cups underneath and pull on the board and pour all 8 at once...


Grizwald's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
Something like this would

Something like this would work for holding small plastic cups, it looks like you could get 8 in there.  then after drinking the middle ones, you can fill it with chips!


Zach Burns
Zach Burns's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
Compostable too!

Compostable too!

Kyle N
Kyle N's picture
Last seen: 10 hours 29 min ago
Alchemist, member since
I was thinking that we could

I was thinking that we could print templates and have them laminated like placemats. That way, all the text and descriptions could be right in front of the taster the whole way through. They could wipe down easily and we could even provide dry erase markers for those who are super serious about wanting to jot down notes on the side. 

kengetty's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Alchemist, member since
Joe...I think all Hop Schools

Joe...I think all Hop Schools a little predictable should be kept to two parties per year.  The Malt and Yeasts schools were just as well received as the Hop School and opened more eyes from what I witnessed.

Zach Burns
Zach Burns's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
Another rando idea which

Another rando idea which could be entirely too difficult to pull off, but Ferm Temp School? Not to take the thread off track...

Jim Vondracek
Jim Vondracek's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Alchemist, member since
Any update on this. May is

Any update on this. May is fast approaching.

joefalck's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
May is indeed fast

May is indeed fast approaching, I am currently trying to secure corporate sponsorship, hopefully I'll have that figured out in the next week or so and we can move forward.

Jim Vondracek
Jim Vondracek's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Alchemist, member since
Is the sponsorship about

Is the sponsorship about contributing hops?  If so, I could approach Farmhouse Brewing about contributing hops, if that would be helpful.  

kengetty's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Alchemist, member since
I would love to team up with

I would love to team up with Farmhouse.  I think they have an excellent selection of hops (including Southern Hemisphere) and IMHO some of the best quality/freshness available to home brewers.  I recently loaded up on my hops for the year from Farmhouse.

Joe...definitely give their website & selection a good look!

Jim...for the school series at our parties we are doing our best to team up with brands to showcase their products in exchange of providing our members with free product (hops in this case) for the beers brewed.

joefalck's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
I'm waiting to hear back from

I'm waiting to hear back from Hop Union right now, Farmhouse is #2 on the list now.  Jim, I appreciate your willingness to help, I'll let you know to contact Farmhouse or not as soon as I hear back from Hop Union.  I'm trying to contact places sequentially so that we don't get approval from, like, 3 places at the same time, and then I have to turn down the generosity I just asked for, that would be poor form.  I'll give Hop Union a few more days, then we'll move on to Farmhouse, Yakima Valley hops was my #2, but I guess we'll make them #3 for now.


Jim Vondracek
Jim Vondracek's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Alchemist, member since
Joe, that makes perfect sense

Joe, that makes perfect sense. I know John, the owner at Farmhouse, a little and have gotten hops contributed as a competition prize from him before. If Hop Union doesn't work out, let me know.

joefalck's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
I gave Hop Union a week to

I gave Hop Union a week to get back to me and got no reply from them.  Jim, Full steam ahead with Farmhouse, if you could, when you make the pitch, be sure to mention the following points and/or anything else you think is relevant:

1. we require 6 oz. of 8 varities of hops

2. we would prefer the donated hops to have a theme or some unifying quality, something like all southern hemisphere, all english, all yakima valley, something to tie them all together.

3.  we will be brewing 8 different single hop IPAs

4. Farmhouse isn't too far, right?  We'd have to clear it with the appropriate channels but I think we could comp a few entries so they can come and experience it themselves.

5. Their name will be in the title and all advertising, and printed on the menu all attendees wil recieve, "Hop School: with Farmhouse" or something similar.

6. we will gladly display and/or distribute any branded material for them

7. we will gladly display their logos on our educational placards and other hop education materials that will be on display

8.  I would need to find out better attendence projections, but their messaging would meet a few hundred homebrewers at the party.

9. The bartenders serving the hop school beers will be trained to educate attendees on hops, and also mention Farmhouse as well.

10. Hop School is for brewers and casual drinkers alike,  brewers get a better understanding of their ingredients available to them, and casual drinkers get help understanding what they prefer so they can better seek it out off the menu or in the beer aisle.  

Jim Vondracek
Jim Vondracek's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Alchemist, member since
Will do. Would you send me

Will do.


Grizwald's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
Are you still looking for

Are you still looking for volunteers to brew for this?

I would be interested.


Jim Vondracek
Jim Vondracek's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Alchemist, member since
Great news - Farmhouse

Great news - Farmhouse Brewing is in as our Hop School sponsor!  

John will be sending us six ounces each of eight different hop varieties.  He wants to promote 'new' varieties, so that's what he's going to send us.  They might be across categories (southern hemisphere, american, english, noble), but the one commonality is that they are newer varieties.  

He is considering coming down to join us for the Hop School and will let us know.  I'm having him ship the hops to my work address.  

We need to make sure we recognize Farmhouse Brewing in our materials promoting the event and at the event.  I'd suggest that we call it the "Farmhouse Brewing Supply Hop School" just to make it easy.  

I'll let you know when the hops arrive, hopefully this week!




Jim Vondracek
Jim Vondracek's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Alchemist, member since
Great news - Farmhouse

double post - sorry

Kyle N
Kyle N's picture
Last seen: 10 hours 29 min ago
Alchemist, member since


Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
Alchemist, member since
That is fantastic!

That is fantastic!

brockboland's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Right on!

Right on!

ktownsel's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Count me in! Great job Jim!

Count me in! Great job Jim!

joefalck's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
Great Work Jim! We'll be

Great Work Jim! We'll be sure to do farmhouse proud. This is the roll call I have this far:
Jeff W
Jim V
Chris H & Zach B
Ice House & boolish

joefalck's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
Since interest is high, I'll

Since interest is high, I'll abstain from brewing for this myself to give others a chance to participate, or maybe I can jump in on a team brew.  For the same reason I teamed up Chris and Zach, and the dynamic duo of Ice house and boolish. If this is an issue please let me know ASAP. Also, if I missed someone, or if someone else is very interested in brewing let me know, we're all friends here and I can get you teamed up with some one, but hop varieties are limited to 8.

joefalck's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
The grain bill will be the

The grain bill will be the same as last year, that was a stellar beer last year, and there is no reason to fiddle with it, what is negotiable is the hop additions:


12 lbs 2 row

1/2 lb caramel 40
Mash 148 for 75 min.

I'll post more detailed instructions later and share my beer smith file etc. I'm on vacation now though, get back Friday.


joefalck's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
Ok on to the negotiables.

Ok on to the negotiables.

Last year the recipe was 60 IBUs. I think that was a good solid IBU number to hit. Makes for a refreshing beer that's not obscenely bitter.

I think it's important for our project to have many hop additions so that all of the showcased hops possible flavor a make an appearance. We have 8 oz to work with, here's my idea, I can see a case for some first wort hops and other ideas, that's why I'm open to discussion

Definitely 1oz at 60 min for bittering
.5 oz at 30
Addition at 15, however much you need to get as close to 60 IBUs
3 oz flameout
Dry hop remainder of hops FOR 5 Days only before kegging.

I do prefer kegs for this, they do a better job of keeping IPAs fresh, if you don't have one, I might have one I could lend you or find someone that does.

joefalck's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
Maybe we can have a hop

Maybe we can have a hop school meeting on Sunday or something and hash this stuff out in person. We need to get down to business on the serving and whatnot too.

Kyle N
Kyle N's picture
Last seen: 10 hours 29 min ago
Alchemist, member since
I'm not participating, and

I'm not participating, and didn't have the last hop school beer, but I'd factor in the 60 minute addition to hit a particular (theoretical) IBU amount as well (and make sure the forumla is consistent amont each brewer). 

Jeff W
Jeff W's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 14 min ago
Alchemist, member since
Jim, thanks for getting the

Jim, thanks for getting the hop hook-up!  I'm super excited to do this with newer varieties!  I hope the guy from Farmhouse can make it down.

Joe, as always, thanks for organizing!

Canuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Alchemist, member since
Thanks for getting the hops

Thanks for getting the hops Jim!!

Joe I'm down for a Sunday meeting to hash out hte details.  What Sunday and what time?

The emperor is not as forgiving as i am

Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
Alchemist, member since
I ams till down to

I ams till down to participate and I have my own keg.

Jeff W
Jeff W's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 14 min ago
Alchemist, member since
I can't make it on Sunday,

I can't make it on Sunday, but, whatever you guys decide just post to this string.  

Jim, does Farm House have any literature or handouts about the hops we will be using.  It would be great to have something like that for the party.  Of course, they can also bring general info about their business  and even a banner or something for us to hang.

Jim Vondracek
Jim Vondracek's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Alchemist, member since
They have descriptions of

They have descriptions of their hops on their website that we could copy and paste.  I don't know which hops they are giving us yet, but when we have the hops, it would be a good idea to use Farmhouse's descriptions.  

joefalck's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
Lots of things to nail down

Lots of things to nail down besides the hop additions.

As far as displays go this is what I'm thinking. One or two main large poster boards describing hops, what they are and how they are used, etc. basic stuff for novice/new/non-brewers

Another large poster board advertising the Farmhouse connection and the superior selection and service they can offer home brewers

I would love to be able to serve flights, but in the context of our parties I haven't been able to come up with an effective way to do it. If we serve flights on placemats as previously discussed, it will tie people down to sitting at the bar and create a service bottle neck. I was thinking of a paddle with large holes drilled in it that the cups could fit in, but the production and consequent storage of them I think is too much time and money, let alone drunk folks leaving them around the brewhouse and not returning them
After drinking their flight. I don't know, I'm struggling with the logistics. My best idea is to have a bunch of laminated menus with descriptions and tasting notes.

Also, the 8 taps from the previous octobarrel, are those available for use? Could we get a bit of 6 inch PVC and make a bootleg temporary tap tower for parties. That would put all 8 beers on tap and clearly labeled and make things run a lot more smoothly.

Also, I want to make sure all bartenders are highly educated on these hops and also on Farmhouse, so we can educate our drinkers, "sell the product", and make sure Farmhouse gets the return on their donation to us that they are expecting.

I would prefer our hop school bar be "overstaffed" so our bartenders can take the time to answer questions but still turn drinks quickly

These are just things I'm thinking, things we need to solve, etc. as for a hop school meeting. Maybe March 22

Jim Vondracek
Jim Vondracek's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Alchemist, member since
I like the idea of laminated

I like the idea of laminated menus, Joe, I think that's very workable.  I agree with you about the flights, sounds great but how to do it with that many people in such a small space would be a challenge.

The posters sound great.  We could have a third poster board up that is the same as the laminated menus, if there is room.   I'd be happy to be one of the hop school bartenders.  

Chris Heyman
Chris Heyman's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Alchemist, member since
All of this just popped in my

All of this just popped in my head, so feel free to skim over the stream of thought...

Something I thought of was maybe doing mini flights, where we only give them 3 or 4 beers at once, instead of the full 8. Maybe divide them up by similiar vaieties/qualities, or do the opposite to really show off diffeerences. 

This way people can come up do a short flight and move on, coming back for the other flights later. This might even be a good way to move people in and out of that area. Just mention to everyone right away that we would like them to try a short flight, and come back for the others later so that everyone can get a chance to try them.

Building off of the short flights idea, maybe we could even do 4 or 5 different short flights, combining the beers in different ways. This would limit the flights to 3 so we could keep people moving.

Hop 1

Hop 2

Hop 3

Hop 2

Hop 6

Hop 8

Hop 4

Hop 5

Hop 6

Hop 3

Hop 5

Hop 7

Hop 7

Hop 8

Hop 1


Again, just throwing this out there. I also definitely like the idea of laminated menus! Super simple, and makes the whole process pretty straightforward for the bartenders, as well as the party-goers.

Something else I was thinking about, but I'm not sure how and/or if it could work. But maybe we do the hop school portion of it outside, and devote a portion of the tent to it. I would imagine we could devote more space to it out there, and that way people can still squish into the bar area as they normal would, but without the added work of going through a flight. Maybe we could even have a few tables and chairs (like a seminar/school of sorts), but people will obviously be moving in and out of the area. Then people might be able to sit down for a few minutes, and really take in the differences. I know we have bands at these parties though, so that might affect this. Maybe it would be possible to get another, smaller tent just devoted to this?


Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza.

- Dave Berry
