Good person to buy CO2 tanks from

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Last seen: 2 years 9 months ago
Alchemist, member since
Good person to buy CO2 tanks from

Hi Chaos. As most of you know, I just started kegging and I found a really cheap CO2 tank seller. Below is a link to the forum I found him at

His name's Scott R and we emailed last weekend, he mailed the tank on Monday, and I got it Thursday. I sent my check to him prior to him mailing the tank, so it was a nice gesture of him to trust in me. I got a 20lb alumimum used tank for $85 ($65 for the tank, $20 for shipping). The certifcation expires 11/15, so it'll be another $25 to trade or get recertified in November, but that's probabaly why I got it so cheap. I told him I'd spread the word to you guys so consider this the word.

Thanks for everyone's help with my kegging questions. I'm consitently reminded how much easier and more enjoyable brewing is with Chaos.

Have a good weekend!


MarkWalters's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 weeks ago
Alchemist, member since
Airgas just swaps tanks, so

Airgas just swaps tanks, so when you need a fill, take it to them, and they will give you a new tank in date. They also have been known to swap steel for aluminum.