Quad Barrel Project - Room for One Brewer

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Jim Vondracek
Jim Vondracek's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 5 days ago
Alchemist, member since
Quad Barrel Project - Room for One Brewer

Hi, I've got room for one more brewer in a barrel project.  Its a Koval 30 gallon gin barrel, we've aged a Biere de Garde in it (which turned out unique and delicious, I think) and we have a big Saison in it now.  We're going to empty the barrel and refill, sometime towards the end of November - the next beer going in will be a Belgian Dark Strong (or a Quad as the hip kids call it).  Big, dark, redolent of dark cherries and plums.  

It takes six brewers to fill the barrel and one of us dropped out for the next batch, so we have room for another brewer.  If you're already in a barrel project, lets give someone else first dibs.  Otherwise, first come first serve.  

You must be able to brew a big Quad recipe (that the group will provide you) sometime in the next couple of weeks for this to work, so its done fermenting and ready to barrel at the end of November.  

Jim Vondracek
Jim Vondracek's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 5 days ago
Alchemist, member since
Ok, we're full up.  

Ok, we're full up.