Kona Fire Rock Clone

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Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
Alchemist, member since
Kona Fire Rock Clone

Here is a recipe that I've brewed in the past that has always come out well. It's setup for a final yield of  about 10 gallons...Cutting all ingredient amounts in half will work for a 5 Gal batch.  There is also an extract 5 gal version towards the bottom.


Recipe Type: All Grain
Yeast: Kolsch or US-05
Yeast Starter: Slurry
Batch Size (Gallons): 10

Original Gravity: 1.053
Final Gravity: 1.014
IBU: 35.2
Boiling Time (Minutes): 90
Color: 6.7
Primary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp): 14 at 68 degrees
Additional Fermentation: Cold conditioned for 10 days
Secondary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp): Straight to keg

As APA’s go, it’s malty enough to really stand out as a very flavorful beer without overdoing the bitterness. I substituted Centennial for the Galena and dry hopped this batch with 1/2 Oz of Centennial for 7 days. That really gave it a nice “Whoosh” I was looking for.

This is maltier and more robust in flavor than SNPA in my opinion. If you love the hop flavor / aroma without the super high bitterness, this is perfect

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 10.00 gal
Boil Size: 14.40 gal
Estimated OG: 1.053 SG
Estimated Color: 6.7 SRM
Estimated IBU: 35.2 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 72.0 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes

18.00 lb Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM)
2.00 lb Munich Malt (9.0 SRM)
1.00 lb Honey Malt (25.0 SRM)
0.50 lb Cara-Pils/Dextrine (2.0 SRM)

1.00 oz Centennial [9.50%] (60 min)
0.50 oz Cascade [7.80%] (40 min)
0.50 oz Cascade [7.80%] (30 min)
0.50 oz Cascade [7.80%] (20 min)
0.50 oz Cascade [7.80%] (10 min)
0.50 oz Mt Hood [3.70%] (5 min)

1 Pkgs German Ale/Kolsch (White Labs #WLP029) Yeast-Ale

Dry hop with ½ Oz of Centennial per 5-gallons for 5-7 days.

Mashed at 154.

Primary for two weeks then straight to keg.
Cold conditioned keg (in beer fridge @ 45) for 10 days, then to gas
Crystal clear right out of the tap.





Extract Version (With Steeping Grains) 5 Gallons

6# Extra Light DME
1.5# Amber Liquid Extract

1# Caramel/Crystal 20L steeped for 30 mins @ 154

0.50 oz Centennial [9.50%] (60 min)
0.25 oz Cascade [7.80%] (40 min)
0.25 oz Cascade [7.80%] (30 min)
0.25 oz Cascade [7.80%] (20 min)
0.25 oz Cascade [7.80%] (10 min)
0.25 oz Mt Hood [3.70%] (5 min)


Courtesy of BeirMuncher.