ELECTIONS - *SPECIAL* Monthly Meeting

JimChochola's picture
Sunday, April 7, 2013 - 4:30 PM to 8:30 PM

You don't want to miss our meeting on April 7th!

Not only are we voting on new officers and directors (vote absentee until 4/6/13 or be present!) but we will be having a tasting of Ale Syndicate Brewers' (formerly New Chicago) launch beers - imperial porter, IPA, and a hoppy session ale - with Samuel and/or Jesse.

Don't miss this meeting!


Schedule as follows:

4:30 - Elections

6:00-6:30 - Board of Directors Meeting (you may attend or begin tasting inside)

6:30-8:30 - Beers & discussions as always. Ale Syndicate will be arriving at 7:30 PM & CHAOS will be lighting up the grill to provide your standard backyard fare.

jimpasa's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
wish i could make it but i

wish i could make it but i will be in Philly :(