Brewing 101

JimChochola's picture
Monday, May 20, 2013 - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Want to learn how to brew beer, but aren't sure where to start?  CHAOS's Brewing 101 class is for you.  A CHAOS brewer will lead you through all of the steps necessary to brew your first beer using malt extract and steeping grains.*  This class will focus on the basics of brewing, including an introduction to grains, extract, hops, and yeast.  We will also introduce students to the required equipment and cover appropriate sanitation practices. Our recipe for this beginning class will be a well-hopped American Pale Ale (just in time for summer).  

Once students have brewed their beer, they can ferment it in CHAOS's temperature-controlled fermentation room.  Future classes will provide instruction on bottling and carbonating the finished beer.  The recipe will result in approximately 5 gallons or around 48 12oz bottles of beer. Students can expect drinkable beer in 4-6 weeks.

You must be a member to attend this class (Trial Member or above - web-only members cannot attend).  Not a member?  Check out our Trial Membership to explore all that CHAOS has to offer.

Please RSVP using the "I will attend" link below.  Class size will be limited to 4 batches.  However, multiple students can work on a single batch of beer if they would like.

If you have any questions, send adman a message.  

Shopping list (all items available at Brew & Grow or Brew Camp):

  • Equipment:
    • Fermenter (6+ gallon bucket or carboy);
    • Lid/cap;
    • Airlock;
    • Muslin grain bag;
    • 4x Muslin hops bags.
  • Ingredients:
    • 6 lbs extra light dried malt extract (DME);
    • 1 lb Victory malt;
    • 1 lb flaked wheat;
    • 1 oz each of Chinook, Centennial, Cascade, and Amarillo hops; and
    • 1 packet US-05 dry ale yeast.

* Although there is no charge for this class, students must provide their own ingredients and fermenter.  See the above shopping list for more information.

Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
Is there still room in the

Is there still room in the class?

joefalck's picture
Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
I possibly may be there.  I'm

I possibly may be there.  I'm on call at work and it's looking like today is shaping up to be a no-call day, but I can't say that with any certainty until about 4pm.  If I can make it, I will be a helper or just a note taker…I don't have any ingredients nor will I be able to get any before the start….