The Great Taste of the Midwest

Saturday, August 10, 2013 - 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM

You may think that getting tickets to the Great Taste is about as likely as finding a free parking spot downtown, but do not despair!  There are contstantly people selling their tickets on Facebook, Craigslist and even at the gate.  Two years ago, I couldn't get rid of my extra ticket!  Even if you dont find one, the preparties and Madison's beer scene are not to be missed.  Check out the Madison Homebrewers and Tasters Guild webpage to see more info on the event and the official preparties.

Rachel and Friends will be there - hope to find you in the crowd.


Last seen: 7 years 6 months ago
Web-only, member since
You told what a amazing tsate

You told what a amazing tsate of the midwest. In other words you like to put your personal experience here which definately helpful for other people who interested in it. Actually, I want to get review and at the same time happy to get knowledge regarding future events.