Winterbrew 2014 - Home Brew Competition

kengetty's picture
Saturday, January 18, 2014 - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM is external)

Bottle Acceptance Rules

Each entry will consist of two 12 ounce, brown capped bottles that are void of all identifying information, including labels and embossing. Printed caps are allowed, but must be blacked out completely.

Bottles will not be returned to contest entrants.

Completed entry forms and recipe sheets must be submitted with all entries, and can be printed directly from this website. Entry forms should be attached to bottles with a rubber band only; glue and/or tape are unacceptable.

Please fill out the entry forms completely. Be meticulous about noting any special ingredients that must be specified per the 2008 BJCP Style Guidelines. Failure to note such ingredients may impact the judges' scoring of your entry.

Brewers are not limited to one entry in each category but may only enter each subcategory once.

NOTE: Entering the homebrew competition does not guarantee entry into the WINTERBREW BEER FESTIVAL.

Drop Off Location

Brew Camp(link is external)
4639 N Damen Ave Chicago, IL 60625 Map Brew CampMap Brew Camp
(773) 784-2400

Best of Show

The best of show winner will have the opportunity to be a "guest brewer" for a day at Panic! Brewing(link is external)


The awards ceremony will take place at the Winterbrew festival at the Dank Haus on Saturday, January 25th, 2014.

Places will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each category/table.

The 1st place entry in each category will advance to the Best of Show (BOS) round with a single, overall Best of Show beer selected.

Additional prizes may be awarded to those winners present at the awards ceremony at the discretion of the competition organizers.

Awards will be available for pick up that night after the ceremony concludes. Awards not picked up at the Winterbrew festival will be mailed back to participants. Results will be posted to the competition web site after the ceremony concludes and scoresheets will be emailed out to participants shortly after judging concludes.

NOTE: Entering the homebrew competition does not guarantee entry into the WINTERBREW BEER FESTIVAL. is external)