What say the club to mixing up some water,sugar, and lemon juice, Kegging and carbing it, and serving sparkling lemonade to those seeking a non-alcoholic option...
Fri, Apr 11, 2014 - 5:05pm
Non-alcoholic Cerveza De Mayo Options
Smart. Although it makes me what to make a shandy as well.
Totally agree with this :)
This is a great idea! Or, befitting the theme, should we pick up a case of Jumex somewhere?
I did a quick review of lemonade recipes and it appears that to make 5 gallons of lemonade would require lemons numbering in the hundreds, I don't believe I care about this quite enough to juice that many lemons, but we could buy that lemon juice in a bottle stuff to make this happen. or just some country time lemonade mix and carb it up to make it fancy. I don't know...just thinking out loud here... I will be out of town the night before until the afternoon of Cerveza so I'm probably not the best point man on this, i'm just having ideas.
I like the idea. I have a mix of cream soda that's really good that I'm willing to make, but I feel I'm running out of keg space at an alarming rate !
I can donate a keg for cream soda purposes
If you need a keg to make the cream soda use one of the blue and white ones, you'll see them... I'm considering the cream soda the non alcoholic solution to this issue, so there is no need to squeeze hundreds of lemons. Thank you Matt!!!