Brewing 101

brockboland's picture
Wednesday, May 27, 2015 - 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM
2417 W Hubbard St
60612 Chicago , IL

Want to learn how to brew beer, but aren't sure where to start? CHAOS's Brewing 101 class is for you.  A CHAOS brewer will lead you through all of the steps necessary to brew your first beer using malt extract and steeping grains.* This class will focus on the basics of brewing, including an introduction to grains, extract, hops, and yeast. We will also introduce students to the required equipment and cover appropriate sanitation practices.

Once students have brewed their beer, they can ferment it in CHAOS's temperature-controlled fermentation room. Future classes will provide instruction on bottling and carbonating the finished beer. The recipe will result in approximately 5 gallons, or around 48 12oz bottles of beer. Students can expect drinkable beer in 4-6 weeks.

(Click HERE for membership info). Web-only members may not attend.

Even if you know nothing about beer and beer brewing and don't want to brew, this class is for you! You can watch, listen, ask questions, and help out on someone else's batch.

Everyone should RSVP by clicking "I will attend" below so I know how many people to expect. But, if you're interested in actually brewing, please post a comment below "I'd like to brew!" The first four people to post a comment below that they're interested in actually brewing will get one of the four brew bays I've reserved; everyone else is welcome to come watch/help! If you're brewing, you MUST have a signed release on file; you'll receive the form when you start your membership.

Shopping list is as follows. All items available at Brew & Grow or Brew Camp, and the employees at both are great about helping new brewers figure out what they're looking for.

  • Equipment:
    • Fermenter (bucket or carboy, 6-gallons or bigger);
    • Bucket lid or carboy cap;
    • Airlock;
    • Muslin grain bag.
  • Ingredients
    • Steeping grains
      • 0.75 lb Victory (28 °L)
    • Malt extract: these usually come in one-pound packages, so you'll wind up with some extra
      • 6.5 lb Light DME (dry malt extract)
      • 0.4 lb Munich DME
      • 0.4 Wheat DME
    • Hops: come in 1 oz packages, so you'll have extra Horizon
      • 0.66 oz Horizon
      • 1 oz Cascade
      • 1 oz Centennial
    • Yeast: pick ONE of these two options. Both are good, and S-05 is cheaper
      • 1 packet of Safale S-05
      • OR 2 packs Wyeast 1056 American Ale

PRO TIP: Hops are a commodity and it's very hard to predict availability. So, if the hop listed above happens to be out of stock, don't fret: there are substitutes that can be found.  Ask an employee or click here.

If you have any questions or concerns, post a comment here, send Brock a private message, or text him directly at (202) 374-5348 .

* Although there is no charge for this class, students must provide their own ingredients and fermenter.  See the above shopping list for more information.

Rich S
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
I'd like to brew! 

I'd like to brew! 

brockboland's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
Hey Rich, you're definitely

Hey Rich, you're definitely in! A bunch of people said they're coming to the event on Facebook, but haven't commented here, so as far as I'm concerned, you're the only confirmed brewer right now :-)

Last seen: 7 years 6 months ago
I'd like to brew! (Along with

I'd like to brew! (Along with someone else...doing a 10 gallon all grain batch)

Rich S
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
Cool I've got my ingredients.

Cool I've got my ingredients. 

Last seen: 7 years 6 months ago
Web-only, member since
You said right we should use

You said right we should use power of voters and demand the appointment of lawmakers people in government organizations. The whole disucssion in Brewing 101 event. In this way we can develop a peaceful society or country. Actually, I got an article at which have main points which we should keep in mind regarding lawmakers. I think everyone must read this article.