Hi CHAOS! The June group biy is open through June 23rd! Order away!
We all know that the Morgan St B&G is closing. We're working on options for club members to have convenient options to purchase ingredients. Look for a post in the near future to guage what you all want.
Jeff - How do we get to it?
The link is here: http://www.chaosbrewclub.net/groupbuy/9
Oh... my... god. Why haven't we done this? http://thechive.com/2013/09/17/guys-rig-up-buddies-plumbing-with-beer-wh...
Lucas! Says it hasn't started yet, though.
Try it now, sorry! Doing this from NHC and messed up the date.
Oh... my... god. Why haven't we done this? http://thechive.com/2013/09/17/guys-rig-up-buddies-plumbing-with-beer-wh...
I'm in, thank Lucas. Now go get messed up yourself.
any idea when the morgan b&g is closing?
July 9th.
Are we going to be adding the April group buy to this order so I can actually get my grain from it ?
The group buy is messed up, at least for me. I added one bag of grain, went to look at my cart and check out and I had an unspecificed "gas" and unspecified "liquid" in my cart also, each for $7.50 and I couldn't delete them.
The June grain is delivered.
Thanks, Mark!!
I;m out of town until Friday night and will pick up my bag Saturday.
I'll be there Sunday or Tuesday for mine.
Thanks Mark!
To you guys who can't get your sacks right away, you might want someone to secure your grain. We do have a rodent problem.
Just leff the BH and Mr. Jingles has been eating good. There are 3 bags that had holes in them and grain all over the place. I cleaned up the grain and taped up the bags with duct tape.
Haha! They were probably like Al Pacino in Scarface with that table full of coke!
My sack of TF Golden Promise isn't here. I checked my order history and definitely got one. Anyone accidentally take the wrong sack?
There was a sack of Golden Promise there yesterday afternoon.
My sack pf Pilsner is also missing....
Icehouse I know I picked up a TF Golden promise from Mid Country and dropped it off at the brew house so someone definitely took the wrong bag.
Jeff same applies I picked one up and know I dropped it off.
I picked up my Pale Malt sack today. Ken, thank you very much for cleaning up the mess, that was above and beyond. Seriously, Chuck's advice above is spot on - come in right now to pick up the sacks of grain.
For future grain buys, we need to figure out a better system, somehow secure the grain bags until people pick them up.
You're welcome Jim.
Anyone at the brewhouse today so i can grab my grain. Sorry was out of town this week
Out of town, be back later today.
Yeah, so this is all done. But I wanted to ask a question. When these happen, where do we buy from? Do they have extract? Brew camp is not in a great spot and I'd be down to just stock up on the extracts I need especially if I can get them for 10ish a pop. I'd like to check to see if where we buy from has them and what kind. I tried to check the link above but I got same error others complained about.
I went to into brew and grow and asked the other day if they could add some breiss to thier stock (they just have the "extra light," but they have that in like 4 brands... and it's the least useful extract) and the guy was so crappy. I get so sick of how arrogent all the guys in there seem to be and he didn't even know what he was talking about. Anyway, looks like I'm in the same boat as many of you guys with the closing of the other brew and grow and would love to be new part of the group buy team.
Yep, you can get extract, too. Hell, you can get a 56 pound sack of exctract if you like, though you may want to split that with a couple people.
I would go 3-4 ways on some extract. I only use it for growing yeast, so I do like the extra light, though.
Anyone at the club tonight after 830? I'll swing by and grab my corn if Mickey didn't eat it all
Soooo, what do we do about this malt scenario?
Can someone with access post what was ordered and who it belonged to?
It would also be a good idea to finish pickup up the remaining bags of grain as it appears the rodents are getting into them.
Rob, I think you and I are probably screwed. I normally pick my grain up right away for this very reason.
Seems there was only a single bag of Golden Promise ordered. Seems someone is either being a bad actor, or blind.
Regarding the mice, is it time for the club to revisit the traps option again? What happened to the ones that Todd had put down last time? Are poison traps an option? DO we just need to buy mechanical traps?
Additionally, my current inclination is that we should pitch the grain that is left by Friday. At this point, the rats have probably already pissed in it, making it unsuitable for human consumption anyway, and it's only exacerbating the pest problem.
Anyone know if my corn is screwed? I been posting repeatedly if anyone was at the brew house so i could pick it up and noone was responding.
Steve, I'll be brewing tomorrow night until 9:30, if you want to stop by.
I'll come by tonight thanks
I'll come by tonight thanks
There was only one plastic sack of grain when I picked mine up on Friday, which I am relatively sure was my MO, all the others were paper Briess. Jeff said he saw both the Maris Otter and Golden Promise there at 3pm or so, and I got there by 4:30pm, so whoever picked up their grain between 3-4:30 on Friday should check that they got the right thing.
Do we have the receipt from Midwest to make sure it matches this list?
Or can you at least see how many sacks of Maris Otter were picked up? It's possible I grabbed Rob's by mistake, it being the only TF sack there, but that would mean someone grabbed my MO, or it wasn't ordered.
I had placed the manifests of everything I picked up with the grain when I dropped it off. Hopefully it is there still on the drink bar by the grain.
Ok, I'll check it later tonight, thanks.
image.jpegHey a new friend joined us today while brewing! This grain should probably go. Also it's a damn mess. #flyingrat
LMFAO get out, Randy!