In case you're the type to add additions to your beers (gypsum, calcium chloride, acid, etc), here is the new water report I just received off of brew bay #3. I also attached what our older water report looked like VS the new one (via EZ Water Calculator). They're actually quite similar.
If you haven't experimented with water additions, EZ Water calculator is pretty simple to use & it's free! Link is below. I'll be laminating the report below and putting it on the wall by the fire extinguisher here sometime soon.
Sweet, thanks, Brandon!!
Brandon... this is awesome! Thanks bud!
Thanks for getting it re-tested Brandon.
I think that's 2 or 3 reports in a row where the lab-tested water has been consistent with the numbers published by the city of CHicago (and I think it's gone the same amount of time being incredibly consistent), which is good news for anyone who ever needs to find the numbers in a pinch.