Large Lager Fridge Is Up & Running

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Brandon Kessler
Brandon Kessler's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Alchemist, member since
Large Lager Fridge Is Up & Running

The fridge repair guy removed and replaced the old compressor today. It's now up and running and eagerly awaiting your lagers.

A few things to remember about the refrigerators: Please mind the reservation system. (Go to BREWHOUSE > LAGER FRIDGE RESERVATIONS to access it) I realize things have been a bit distraught with 2 fridges going out one after another, but everything should be back on schedule soon.

Most of the lagers in the lager fermentation fridge behind the bar will be moving to the larger lagering fridge here soon (they're mostly all for Cerveza De Mayo). For those of you on the schedule to lager (mostly the Cerveza school), I moved the reservations down to start this Friday. Move them around how you'd like accordingly. 

Thanks for your patience. Again, be sure to use a reservation, even if you're cold crashing. And a friendly reminder that all foodstuffs belong in the fridge at the back of the brew house by the garage door.


Jim Vondracek
Jim Vondracek's picture
Last seen: 2 months 5 days ago
Alchemist, member since
Thanks for being at the

Thanks for being at the brewhouse to meet the repairperson, Brandon. Glad he got it up and running.

We need to address the issue of shelving in that fridge. We could try to repair the wire shelving and clips that fell or build another, sturdier, shelving unit in the fridge.

Ben r.
Ben r.'s picture
Last seen: 3 months 2 weeks ago
Alchemist, member since
I was trying to update the

I was trying to update the lager fridge reservations on the spreadsheet, and didn't see any palce to reserve spots in the smaller fridge (across from the big lager fridge).  I put a small keg in there (and potentially will put another) and don't want to bump anyone. Am I missting something on the LF spreadsheet, or is the little fridge currently 'first-come-first-served?'

Brandon Kessler
Brandon Kessler's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Alchemist, member since
Ben - we "moved" the lager

Ben - we "moved" the lager primary fridge reservations to the one fridge behind the bar when the smaller one crapped out on us & just haven't moved it back.

I'd say since the one behind the bar is larger we stick with that for the reservations and then the smaller fridge you're speaking of would be 1st come first serve. Or we can just add another column to the spreadsheet to reflect 2 primary lager fridges.

Any lager-heads want to chime in on this?

Boollish's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Alchemist, member since
Ben is this something you are

Ben is this something you are taking to NHC?

Ben r.
Ben r.'s picture
Last seen: 3 months 2 weeks ago
Alchemist, member since
No - this is a just a 2.5 gal

No - this is a just a 2.5 gal keg of White IPA, although I'll probably serve it at the club, assuming I win the competition...