BeerSmith 2 - $5 Off and Proceeds Go to CHAOS

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Jim Vondracek
Jim Vondracek's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Alchemist, member since
BeerSmith 2 - $5 Off and Proceeds Go to CHAOS

Image result for beersmith logo

At the Brixtoberfest competition last weekend, I won a raffle and one of the prizes was a free BeerSmith 2 activation code, donated by The Man himself, Brad Smith.  I already have BeerSmith, so thought I'd sell it here to a CHAOSite who needs it, at a $5 discount off the regular price on BeerSmith's website, with the proceeds going to support the club.  

Regulary $28, selling it for $23.  Winner will be the first person who responds in this thread that they want it.

BeerSmith 2   It took over three years and 55,000 lines of code to get to this point, but I wanted a solid foundation for the future of BeerSmith.  Beersmith v 2.0 includes support for both PC and Mac support.  While the recipe design page provides everything you need to build great beers,many adanced brewers wanted to be able to look under the hood to see the details about their brewing session.  So in addition to the design tab for building recipes, there are now tabs for yeast starters, mash details, fermentation, water and notes.  As a beginner or even intermediate brewer, you may not ever need to look at these details as the design tab has everything you need to get started - but the details are there when you want them.  



Jim Vondracek
Jim Vondracek's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Alchemist, member since
No one in the club responded

No one in the club responded to this or the Facebook post, so I made the same $5 off on and someone snatched it up in about five minutes!  He's sending a $23 donation to CHAOS.