Brew for CHIditarod Party on Sat Mar 23

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Last seen: 3 days 2 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
Brew for CHIditarod Party on Sat Mar 23


CHAOS is hosting a CHIditarod party on Sat Mar 23, 2-8pm, and I'm hoping to fill the keezer with kegs of beer to share with everyone (bottle donations work too).

CHIditarod is a costumed shopping cart race based on the Alaskan Iditarod, and the event collects food and raises money to help fight hunger in Chicago. The race is Sat Mar 2. We are hosting a post-race event for award winning teams and volunteers. 

We expect around 60 people. We're going to treat the event like an open house. The brewhouse will not be closed, but keep in mind it could get a little crowded, this will not be an average brew day after 2pm. We will be making a stein bier around 4pm, so I could also use some help tending the fire and brewing.

If you can help us out with some tasty suds, please sign up here:

I also will be leading the Bike Marshal squad. We ride around the race course all day making sure the racers don't get too crazy. If you would like to experience the CHIditarod race, being a Bike Marshal is an awesome way to take everything in. Volunteer here:
