CHAOS Homebrew Invitational Throwdown

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Last seen: 4 days 3 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
CHAOS Homebrew Invitational Throwdown

CHAOS Homebrew Invitational 


Missing your bragging rights from all those canceled spring competitions? Looking for something to do other than watching your sourdough starter? CHAOS is taking over the Chicagoland Summer homebrew competition.  Sponsored by Lallemand, here’s a chance to brew with their latest product: 


WildBrew™ Philly Sour is a unique species of Lachancea selected from nature by University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, PA, USA (Patent pending N° PCT/US20 18/043 148). WildBrew™

Philly Sour produces moderate amounts of lactic acid in addition to ethanol in one simple fermentation step. This first yeast in the WildBrew™ series is a great choice for innovative, sessionable sour beers with refreshing acidity and notes of stone fruit. With high attenuation, high flocculation and good head retention, WildBrew™ Philly Sour is an ideal yeast for traditional styles such as Berliner Weiss, Gose, American Lambic Style, American Wild Ales and its resistance to hops make it perfect for Sour IPA’s.

So one yeast open to Chicagoland Homebrew Clubs competing for bragging rights. Brew the best beer with this yeast and the judges will decide which one reigns supreme! Winning club holds the 1st Place Trophy until a rematch next year.

Important Dates:

  • Online Entry Deadline -Friday, August 7th

    • 20 entry limit

    • Lallemand has supplied 20 packets of their new WILDBREW™ PHILLY SOUR this will be distributed on a first come first serve basis

      • Last pick up at Chaos on Saturday, August 8th 12-4

  • Entry Bottles due by Monday,, September 14th

    • 2 - 12 oz bottles

    • CHAOS will be the main Drop off 

      • pending additional drop off (Gnome Brew/ Brew and Grow /Brew Werks)

  • Judging Date - Tuesday, September 15th

  • Medal Winning Beers (1st, 2nd and 3rd Place) featured at: 

CHAOS Homebrew Invitational Throwdown Bottle Share on September 26th 2020


Online Registration: 

Questions, suggestions or concerns? or