So the last tenants in my new apartment owned a failed restaurant and equipment. They had a chest freezer similar to the following: that didn't fit in their moving truck. Due to this, they left it with the landlords, who are planning on listing it on craigslist. I wanted to see if either the brewhouse or someone was interested as it looks brand new and I bet we can get it pretty cheap. I was thinking that this could be a nice lager fridge for a few beers that are going to be going to the keezer or for events. Thoughts?
Tue, Jul 3, 2012 - 2:02pm
Chest Freezer
That's an ice cream freezer...I seen them go for $500 and up on CL....make a nice lager chest...
I sent him a TXT this morning, I'll let you know as soon as I hear back.
Oh... my... god. Why haven't we done this?
hell yeah, see how cheap he will go