Fyi.....dont use this till dan or bill get a chance to check it out. I want to make sure that it is hooked up and tested by someone who is qualified before releasing it for use.
Fri, Jan 27, 2012 - 8:08am
blichman burner
Nice work bill! Where did you get the valve with the larger opening? So is there no access currently to have both natural gas burners hooked up at the same time?
I used it yesterday. It works like a champ! Thanks a million Dan!!! Bill is getting the fitting for my burner so that can be natural gas too. I brewed the Old Ale yesterday with it. absolutely flawless.
Daniel Barker said:
It was not cheap....but i worked alot of ot over the holidays.....i guess you guys benefit too :)
Question about turning the burner off... I grew up turning off the upstream valves first. In this case I would naturally turn off the gas on the wall so as to let whatever gas is in the lines to burn up, then run off the needle valve. Can I get an explanation as to your reasoning? Not saying anyone is wrong, just always trying to learn. Thanks.
seriously?! This is awesome. How much did it cost to get up and running?
Oh runs on natural no need for propane tank....
Burner is operational ....if you are a brewing member of chaos (in good standing). Feel fee to use it....just make sure you designate that you are using it when requesting brewing time
Heh heh....qualified is such a ambiguous term........