Stout Night Planning, Jan 21st, 2.0

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DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
Stout Night Planning, Jan 21st, 2.0



Sunday the 15th-

-Construct a tent with wood and plastic covering.  I would prefer to have some of the following people there that are handy (Iggi, Chuck, Bill, Dan (Lager or McCarthy), Dave).  As of now, me and Iggi are slated for it and I'm sure we could knock it out, but it'd be nice to have at least one more person.  The frame will definitely be going up Sunday.  The finishing touches will be done on Thursday and Friday.


Thursday and Friday 19th and 20th-

-Clean the place up.  We have to move everything that we can off of the perimeter to upstairs to maximize our space potential.  We also need the space looking fresh and presentable.  I’d like to get Iggi’s wooden artwork hung.  That can be done anytime.  Me and Iggi can pick up the parts on Sunday. 


-Think of ways to decorate and then execute.  Chili lights?  A Pinata shaped as a Chili?  Better lighting, definitely.  Me and Stephen were talking about putting up some sort of shade over those harsh lights.  We also tooled with the idea of using those lamps we used for the stage at Ides to create ambient lighting.  If you have anything that you think would help with this (beer posters or anything that would spice up the place), please let me know.  We will also need to make a chalk sign advertising what’s currently on tap and what’s on deck.


Things we need

  • Tables:  Some sort of tables that are inconspicuous and high, something we can put in the middle of the floor inside and outside, that takes up little space but allows you to set your drink/chili down.  If anyone has any ideas for something like this, let me know.  Hopefully we can think of a way to diy it creatively. 
  • Tents, tarps, or canvases that could work for covering tents.  If anyone has anything laying around that they can loan, contact me. 
  • Volunteers who may be willing to relieve chili servers for an hour at a time.  You can volunteer one hour or more, doesn’t matter.  Whether these services will be needed will be solely up to our chili-making guests. 
  • Desserts or sides- It’d be nice to have a small table for these.  Let me know if you want to make brownies, pecan pie, or anything. 
  • Monies! Any Alchemist who wants to front money for any expenses like we did for Ides, please contact me!  I don’t expect that this will cost anything close to what Ides did.



We’ll need volunteers and I want these to be primarily alchemist volunteers.  If you’re not an alchemist and you’re still interested in helping out, let me know. 


Ticket person:  This will have to be an alchemist or someone we trust as much as an alchemist (like Kelly at Ides). This person will be handing out 3 red colored tickets.  Each will be good for a serving of 5 oz chili.  This will be traded off for the chili to the chili servers or one of our volunteers at the chili table.

Chili Table Ticket Person:  The lucky guest will receive a yellow ticket in return for their traded chili ticket.  This ticket is good for a beer paired to the chili.  This job can likely be handled by one of the alchemists that are serving chili since some of us are making chili.  (Sidenote:  Whether you want to serve your own chili is optional.  We can always have one volunteer handling three different crockpots).  Those bringing chili who are outside the club will likely want to man their crockpots, although…

Chili Server Relief:  I will be providing the option for those who are bringing chili to us from outside the club to be relieved for 30 minutes to an hour at a time.  I’ll need several volunteers who won’t mind stepping in for this small amount of time to relieve them. 

Bartenders:  We should only need two at a time, 3 if it’s busy.  Let me know how long you want to volunteer for.  I’d prefer this to be someone who brewed for the event and also someone who is familiar with what makes a stout different from other beers (low hopping in most cases, roasted and kilned barley malts, etc…).  With this basic knowledge you should be able to describe the different beers we have on tap and tell how they are different from one another. 

Carb maintenance/supply runner:  You’ll be in charge of making sure the kegerator is carbing fine but also of running supplies to anyone at the chili table who might need them (napkins, cups, spoons, and beers as well).  I also want this person to be on top of any food/drink spills we might have.  Dave, Niilo, and Bill are the first three alchemists that come to mind as ideal for this job since they have a good familiarity with carbing.  If you think this is too many duties, we can split them up further.

Fire maintainer:  Ideally Iggi can do a lot of this, since it’s his place.  Someone needs to make sure nothing gets burned down and that the fire doesn’t go out.  

If anyone wants to donate a beer to be given out to chili competition winners as prize, please let me know.  I will probably be donating a beer (Parabola maybe?) but it’d be nice to have something for a second place or whatnot. 

I’d also not mind doing a raffle for something, so if you have any ideas as to what we could raffle, let me know. 


Instructions for Beer or Chili Donors:

Please email your name and a description of your chili and beer to .  You may also post your info on this thread instead.  If you’re part of a catering company or any sort of food organization that you want to rep, feel free to include this info.  Also feel free to bring any propaganda.  If you’re submitting a beer please give the following info (I just lifted it from the old ides thread): 


The Minimum

Name of your brew:


Asst. Brewer (if applicable):

Ale, Lager, or Cider

A description of your brew:


And.. if you have the info

Starting gravity:

Final gravity: 

% Alcohol:


Brewing Method (grain or extract)


If you’re brewing for the event, please please please have it there at least the night before (Friday).  If you can, bring it earlier.  Also, many kegs were not properly carbonated for Ides.  That was ok since many of them were ciders.  However, now that we’re doing beers, these really need to be properly carbed before-hand.  You probably want to get working on that now.  If you don’t know how to carb a kegged beer (I think everyone giving a beer knows), please ask someone. 


Last seen: 8 years 3 weeks ago
I just wanted to say thanks

I just wanted to say thanks for the event guys. It was a ton of fun. I think it went really well, and I , too, am looking forward to the next one!

ChuckMac's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Alchemist, member since
Yeah, i know still... Rocking

Yeah, i know still... Rocking 3, yo!

ChuckMac's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Alchemist, member since
I was rocking 3 at Ides

I was rocking 3 at Ides

ChuckMac's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Alchemist, member since
I'd prefer a BBQ cook off in

I'd prefer a BBQ cook off in da spring...

Who has grill skills?

DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
There's a place in NY my

There's a place in NY my friend told me about that serves only mac n cheese.  I'm sure we could get a few ideas from their menu, they have tons of listings.  I'll ask around/look around about it.  As far as doing another event, I will absolutely not be heading up another one.  I want to see anyone else in CHAOS do it for the next one.  It's going to have to be a turns type thing,  It wears you out.  I'll be happy to support by doing anything possible (making beer and mac n cheese) but I don't want any responsibility ;).  Stout night was a part of our 4 times a year seasonal fundraising events.  We're all open to suggestions about the latter two.  Lagers have been suggested as a next step, but it's all up in the air.  The seasonal events are not handled by the recently-formed events committee but are instead encouraged to be a sort of community undertaking where as many key chaos members as possible contribute.  That's the only way to pull off a good large-scale event.  I expect stout-night to be our most difficult because of the weather.  

enash7070's picture
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
I want to do a Mac n' Cheese

I want to do a Mac n' Cheese event...  You up for that in March or April Daniel?

DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
I'm really glad people are

I'm really glad people are already gung-ho about planning the next event, too.  Maybe we can use some stout night earnings to get a chest-freezer and convert it into a lager-making machine so that we can pull off a mai-bock/lager event?  It's an addition several people have been wanting to make anyways?  I'm sure we can discuss that at the next meeting.

Jim Chochola said:

Yeah, this was a tremendous event. I'm already looking forward to the next one!

JimChochola's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
Yeah, this was a tremendous

Yeah, this was a tremendous event. I'm already looking forward to the next one!

DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
big thanks to everyone that

big thanks to everyone that helped make this happen!  You guys are stellar.

DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
for anyone who wants to show

for anyone who wants to show up to help, iggi and I will be there around 11.  

Daniel Barker said:

yes to ed and bill, would appreciate those things, jim I'm texting you, and chuck do you know if your beer is carbed?  Should I put CO2 on it?

DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
yes to ed and bill, would

yes to ed and bill, would appreciate those things, jim I'm texting you, and chuck do you know if your beer is carbed?  Should I put CO2 on it?

ChuckMac's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Alchemist, member since
I will be heading over to the

I will be heading over to the brew house around noon. I got us some table cloths as well.

JimChochola's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
I have a regulator with four

I have a regulator with four gas-in disconnects as well as a somewhat-filled 10# tank. If someone wants to swing by and pick it up, I think Maureen will be home for most of the day until she heads down to the brew house with my chili around 6:30ish.

enash7070's picture
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
Yes...Ill bring it with me

Yes...Ill bring it with me has fittings for only one ball lock keg though...

Daniel Barker said:

ed, would you be willing to let us use that for the event?

enash7070 said:

I have a #5 CO2 with regulator....

DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
and Rice Crispy Treats by

and Rice Crispy Treats by Kelli McEntire-Williams

DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
feel free to edit down or cut

feel free to edit down or cut adam's descriptions.  They are pretty base and plain.

Adam Zachary

Triple Chocolate Fudge Brownies- chewy and fudgy with a combination of bittersweet and unsweetened chocolate.

Baklava with orange honey syrup- flaky, cinnamon and clove-spiced middle eastern pastry with almonds, walnuts, and pistachios.

Chunk Chocolate Chip Cookies- dark chocolate chips and extra brown sugar make these irresistibly delicious.

Jessica Murphy

Founders Breakfast Stout Brownies-

DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
ed, would you be willing to

ed, would you be willing to let us use that for the event?

enash7070 said:

I have a #5 CO2 with regulator....

JimChochola's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
You're welcome!

You're welcome!

I'm sorry I can't come earlier tomorrow but finals are next week and I have a pile of grading to finish. I will, however, be there around 5:00 p.m. tomorrow. I'm going to heat up my chili on one of the stoves there but other than that, I can do whatever to get ready for 7:00 p.m.


DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
hey, jim thanks for the email

hey, jim thanks for the email.  I just printed a copy at work.

IGZ's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
Alchemist, member since
Sto.ked (stout soaked)

Sto.ked (stout soaked)


i posted a few posts back

Steven Lane said:

Menu is looking good. Iggi, is there a name for your chili?


JimChochola's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
Sorry, I've been messing

Sorry, I've been messing around with the Google Doc for paying members. I will print a couple of copies before I head over to the brew house on Saturday.

Rich's picture
Last seen: 1 month 3 days ago
Alchemist, member since
I am coming for sure and one

I am coming for sure and one or two people from my work are going as well.  When do you need it?  I can drop it off or David can pick up if you will see him tonight. 

Daniel Barker said:

hey rich, is there any way for you to get it to me?  

 Also, are you all coming to the event?!

JimChochola's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
We should probably have some

We should probably have some decently large signage on the fence facing Grand so that people walking by or driving by looking for us will know they're in the right spot. Unlike Ides people may not see/hear us from Grand.

JimChochola's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
Yes, 21 is unacceptable.

Yes, 21 is unacceptable.

All Alchemists have access to a GoogleDoc containing a list of Brewer Level and Apprentice Level members. If you want a paper copy, I can print one before I head over on Saturday.

Daniel Barker said:

In my mind, 21 people is a lot of people to be at an event for free.  Especially when we have the limited space that we do.  Jim, do we have any sort of name-list that we can print out to tell who exactly is a paid member and is entitled to the discount?

DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
still waiting for a response

still waiting for a response from scott.  He was the first to agree to doing chili.  I think his birthday was last night.  He's probably recovering.  Hopefully I hear from him.  Joe H is Joe Harris.

StevenLane's picture
Last seen: 2 days 13 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
Menu is looking good. Iggi,

Menu is looking good. Iggi, is there a name for your chili?

enash7070's picture
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
I have a #5 CO2 with

I have a #5 CO2 with regulator....

DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
kelli, I would be excited for

kelli, I would be excited for another dessert.  So far we are planning on selling them.  We have two batches of brownies, cookies, and baclava.  You're welcome to make another batch of anything being made or anything else.  Price as you feel appropriate or give away.  It's up to you.  If you get enough time send me a description and/or name for what you're making and I'll get stephen lane to throw it on the menu (if a dessert menu looks feasible).

DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
Co2-  We need at least one

Co2-  We need at least one more tank of CO2 and possibly a regulator for this event.  We're aiming to have 4 to have things appropriately carbed and to have enough for the entire event.  Please let me know if you're interested in contributing.  Also, one of the tanks at the brewhouse needs to be filled, if anyone is interested in making the trip wherever it can be put on the Stout Night pay-back tab.  

DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
hey rich, is there any way

hey rich, is there any way for you to get it to me?  

 Also, are you all coming to the event?!

DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
In my mind, 21 people is a

In my mind, 21 people is a lot of people to be at an event for free.  Especially when we have the limited space that we do.  Jim, do we have any sort of name-list that we can print out to tell who exactly is a paid member and is entitled to the discount?

Rich's picture
Last seen: 1 month 3 days ago
Alchemist, member since


I have a 5-quart(pretty sure, it's big) you are welcome to, just let me know.  I will overlook the fact that you will be making vegan chili in it. 


Daniel Barker said:

uhm... Does anyone have a crock pot I can borrow to make vegan chili in?

JimChochola's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
How'd that happen? 9 chili

How'd that happen? 9 chili people and 12 alchemists are the only ones I"m aware of who should be getting in for free...

At any rate, 10% is fine with me. $18 instead of $20; sure....

DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
no more than 10 percent if I

no more than 10 percent if I have any say.  And that's just cause I have to since it's listed on the membership benefits page.  There are already so many free people getting into this event that will be consuming alcohol.

DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
oh really?  there's a

oh really?  there's a discount for members?  Oh well...

Last seen: 11 years 6 months ago
Web-only, member since
And I am available to help

And I am available to help during the event but I don't get out of work till 7pm. I'll show up late but you can put to work doing whatever. 

JimChochola's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
Never discussed. Alchemists

Never discussed. Alchemists will get to the bottom of it before Saturday. Thanks for bringing it to our attention, Thomas!

EDIT: I should have said, "Yes, there is." It's listed as a perk on the membership page. What wasn't discussed was how much of a discount for this event. We will discuss and decide by Saturday.

Last seen: 11 years 6 months ago
Web-only, member since
Maybe this was discussed and

Maybe this was discussed and I missed it... is there a discount for paying members of the club? 

JimChochola's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
There are no more t-shirts

There are no more t-shirts left. I've been discussing with Steven about a "t-shirt making day" sometime in March where people go to Walgreens or wherever, buy a $3 t-shirt for themselves and as many others as they'd like to donate to the club then come over to the brew house where we'd have a big silk screen assembly line. People would walk away with a CHAOS t-shirt of their own (and, ideally, leave a few t-shirts for the club to sell).

There are still at least 36 glasses left. I think it would be a good idea to sell them since they're not being put to drinking use at the event. I will do the math, see what each cup cost us and I will make a sign displaying the price.

There are still a bunch of stickers (they're up in the loft somewhere). We can have those on-hand, too.

The keg for the raffle, as well as the beer(s), are pretty stand-alone kinda prizes. I will write up a certificate for the "brew day" at CHAOS so that we have something official to present to the winner.

Last seen: 12 years 3 months ago
Web-only, member since
Do we have enough t-shirts,

Do we have enough t-shirts, stickers, and glasses for sale?  Why not try to sell some?

Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago


I am at your disposal.  I can be your ticket/door person, serve chili or beer, whatever you need.  Just let me know.

Also, David and are making Chili, I think he gave you the info on it already.  I'm also going to make a dessert, but I haven't quite decided what yet?  Do you need to know what it is in advance?  And are we selling them or just giving them away?  Doesn't matter either way, was just curious how I should package it. 

See you Saturday!


DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
thanks jim, I was keeping

thanks jim, I was keeping track of things but would be happy to let you do it!

DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
Joe Harris' entry:  Savory

Joe Harris' entry:  Savory Chocolate Chili Heaven, descript:   chocolate-beer beef chili 

My Entry:  Rusty's Vegan Chili:  5-word Descript: Food for spicy vegan women!

Also, can you change my barrel-beer entry to "Worn Horses: a barrel-aged Imperial Stout"

David's picture
Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
Alchemist, member since
I haven't bought any, but I

I haven't bought any, but I can. How many do we need for the structure?

JimChochola's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
Just a Public Service

Just a Public Service Announcement from your friendly CFO: I don't know who's getting reimbursed for what (if anything) but just in case, keep any and all receipts for items purchased for Stout & Chili night. I file them.

JimChochola's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
I have a 3 quart one you can

I have a 3 quart one you can borrow. I borrowed Ed Nash' 5 quart crock pot (which is the one on the metal table at the brew house (no one touch it!)

DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
uhm... Does anyone have a

uhm... Does anyone have a crock pot I can borrow to make vegan chili in?

IGZ's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
Alchemist, member since
there is another i cant seem

there is another i cant seem to remember


IGZ's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
Alchemist, member since
also -

also -


IGZ's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
Alchemist, member since
also -

also -

