Please plan to attend the emptying of the barrel on April 22nd.
please let me know if you with to participate in this barrel, and if you wish to do a 5 or 10 gallon batch. i will keep that logged in this post.
igz - 15 gallons brewed
thomas - 5 gallons brewed
jamie - 5 gallons brewed
jim - 5 gallons brewed
kyle - 5 gallons brewed
niilo - 5 gallons brewed
lager dan - 5 gallons brewed
kevin - 5 gallons brewed
andrew - 5 gallons brewed
6# 2 row
4# pils
2# C60
1# bisquit
Total Water Needed (gal.) 7.5
Mash Water Needed (gal.) 4.0
Sparge Water Needed (gal.) 3.5
Strike Temperature (deg.) 175
Pre-Boil Wort Produced (gal.) 5.9
mash at 158F 60min
2 oz northern brewer hops (1oz 60m, 1 oz 15m)
irish moss 1tsp (30m boil)
california common yeast (White Labs #WLP810 or Wyeast Labs #2112)
Estimated Pre Boil OG: 1.055
Estimated Original Gravity: 1.065
Estimated Final Gravity: 1.018
Estimated Alcohol By Volume: 6.1%
Just had the first taste after cold crash and carbonation. Soooo far from what I expected at the outset of this project and yet so satisfying. There is a lot of raspberry character in there and though I would never in a million years thought a fruity cali common would work, it does. Great work gentlemen.
Kevin Schwartzenberg
the other issue is that my barrel is stuck under daves till god know when...
On the main page of the "Barrels of Fun" group, Mark Walters posted:
IGZ said:
Maple Syrup Man??
Jamie Proctor said:
Lager Dan, i think ya forgot about your share of the beer!
Iggy, what about sending this barrel to the Maple syrup man? It sounds like then you could get it back after the fall with all new goodness
pump made it a no brainer. beer is delicious, a solid tasting effort. the razz is a bit pronounced but not making it like a fruity beer. the oak offers a nice woody dry finish. the color is a beautiful dark clear amber.
we dont have anything to put back in the barrel. i really think im just going to retire the barrel. it would have to be emptied at the end of october if we are to move at the end of the lease.
im so excited i got three kegs of this stuff!
Sadly I couldn't make the meeting or barrel empyting last night. How did it go? Did the pump make easy work of transferring the beer to kegs? How did it taste? And lastly what have we put back in it? Are we planning on refilling with a storage solution to ensure the barrel doesn't become infected?
a plan at last, a plan at last, thank brew almighty we have a plan at last.
btw, a recent sampling suggested the brew is awesome!
im game for after the meeting
I could do Sunday night post meeting if need be. I plan on kegging
Kevin Schwartzenberg
If we use the electric pump, ideally we don't even turn it off; we just line up the kegs, prime the pump, and go down the row from keg to keg to keg to keg. I don't know what needs to be done to the barrel after it's emptied but the actual emptying should take less than 30 min.
Maybe everyone can bring their kegs, bottling buckets, carboys or other vessels to the meeting, and whoever is able to stick around fills them after?
Yeah, I was planning on throwing some yeast in there, letting sit for about 4 weeks, cold crashing, putting it on the gas, pulling a few pints of sludge and things, then bottling it. But I agree, if anyone knows a better/best way to do this please chime in!
I agree with Jim, the best way to streamline this is to have people bring clean and sanitized kegs with their name on it. We can fill it up, seal it and throw some co2 on it for them. It's just less people to have bumping shoulders. Sunday after the meeting sounds awesome by the way!
This is a logistical nightmare. If 8-12 people are going to fill a barrel, we really need to refine our process.
I cannot make it at all Saturday after the open house; I cannot do it any earlier on Sunday.
After the general meeting on Sunday is fine by me.
I'm not trying to be lazy but if someone just wants to fill a keg for me, that takes one less person out of the equation.
We have a club meeting this Sunday. I would love to empty this barrel earlier that afternoon, or even later that night. Or any time soon
Thomas, I would think there's probably not enough yeast left alive at this point to prime, so you would need to pitch more to do that. If anyone who has more experience with barrel aging disagrees though, please do weigh in.
And how are you all planning on storing your share? I was thinking of weighing my part and adding priming sugar to a keg and letting it carb up that way, then bottle from the keg.
Why not a Sunday evening... most people should be out of work. Eh?
shoot, I don't know what I was thinking! Yep, you'll need everyone. I think it'd be awful to do that on an open-house day unless there's a small turn-out or unless it's being held outside.
Keep in mind this is for emptying and not filling. We need everyone there with their santizied kegs to recieve their portion.
the last time we did a barrel during an open house was a nightmare. Just a fair warning that it can get really tedious and crowded. All the carboys, pump, and running water to and fro takes a lot of space. Also, keep in mind that it really only takes two people to do the job. I know it's "fair" to make everyone show up and wash their own carboy but it really doesn't take much to rinse them. Maybe just getting a few people to do it would help scheduling.
I can do it any time this weekend
I can't make it after the open house. Why not during? I know there's conflicts with brewers but, sheesh, if we don't just pull the trigger and do this, we're never going to get it emptied.
How about emptying the barrel this weekend, on Saturday June 2 (after the open house), or Sunday June 3 (before the meeting)?
Why don't we do it one night this week? I don't think it will take more than 2 hours if we have 3-4 people. Maybe Tues or Weds night around 6pm?
during the week?
Jim Chochola said:
Memorial Day?
i just picked up a second job, and the 20th is no longer good for me.
thoughts? options?
We still on for the 20th? What time? Trying to plan accordingly....
Im good for the 20th
I probably can't do the 20th unfortunately
Kevin Schwartzenberg
May 20 going once...
I'm looking at my May and May 19th is the only day I cannot do it.
Maybe the 20th?
Maybe May 19, since we still need a few more batches of Saison brewed? Or do you want to go for more like May 6?
I vote bendy straws...
all, lets start talking extraction!
I think it tastes good now, but I don't think a month or 2 more will do anything but help. I'd say we keep it until all the saisons are brewed and fermented.
what are everyones thoughts on keeping thi in the barrel a bit longer than originally planned?
it seems all have brewed 5 gallons, except for me, 15 gallons.
its gonna suck to bottle 50 gallons of beer.
I have thought about this as well. If everyone bottles everything then you bottle the entire barrel and then split them up acordingly. So if 11 people brewed for this then each person gets 9% of the total number of bottles, except if you brewed 2 or 3 batches then you obviously get 18%/27% respectively. If we wanted to keg stuff then another method would have to be used. We could roughly calcuate the remaining number of gallons we think we would be able to pull out of the barrel (say 50 gallons) and divide it up by 11. So everyone would get 4.5 gallons.
please plan for april 22nd to be the date we empty the barrel. the recipe folling this beer will be immediately filled afterwards.
all of the contents will be emptied, and distributed evenly according to batches brewed. i dont know how to achieve this yet, but thats how it will be done, to fairly compensate for loss due to absorption and evaporation.
Barrel has been filled. everything went smoothly. it wouldnt hurt if someone brewed another batch to top it off, not sure how much we need, but there is some space.
Drop it off when you can before Sunday, ill take care of the rest, just mark it. It may not be done 100% by Sunday, but fermentation has been dropping off after about 4 days, so we should be ok. It'll just have to finish off in the barrel.
got it brewed yesterday....... It went great besides the fact i was brewing from 8am till 1230 am. I hit my gravity perfect 1.065 and it is bubbling away.......i dont think it will be done fermenting for another week or so let me know what to do with it. im going to be there sunday unless i work all night sat night. sorry missed the deadline.....i have had only 1 other day off this month
Did you ever drain it and add whiskey to refresh it?
ok. lets look at draining it this sunday.
In my opinion you should drain it and rinse it a few times a week ahead of time. Then throw some of that bourbon mix in their for the week, then pull that back out into the bucket before filling.
we should look to fill the barrel on the 25th or 26th. everyone let me know their availability for both. i will keep both days clear for this.
kyle, being the barrel cleaning master, can you educate us on what needs to be done at this point? does it just need to be drained, do we need to rinse the current contents? lemme know.