I think ive got a line on Clover honey in 5gal buckets. prices were ranging from 80 to 100$ but that was a few weeks ago... ill be calling this week to make sure im still able to purchase in the future.
anyone else have any honey hook ups!!
I think ive got a line on Clover honey in 5gal buckets. prices were ranging from 80 to 100$ but that was a few weeks ago... ill be calling this week to make sure im still able to purchase in the future.
anyone else have any honey hook ups!!
5gals usually weighs about 60 to 65lbs
Last time I checked, costco sold 5lbs of honey for something like 9 bucks. It's not the best honey in the worl, but its no bad either. It works very well if your doing a meade with fruit or spices. My blueberry melomel came out very nicely using big box honey.