Library and Books

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IGZ's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Alchemist, member since
Library and Books

We have several books in the library for your perusal.  we should have a check out system.  the books do seem do be dwindling a bit tho, and one of my books, a gift to me, is now missing - Brew like a monk. please return it or let me know you have it.


DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
are you sure that the copy of

are you sure that the copy of brew like a monk at the brewhouse was your copy?  I left mine there for a while and even let you borrow it at some point I thought.  I have since taken it home.  It has my name in it.  I remember you having a copy of farmhouse ales, which I've borrowed, but not brew like a monk.

JimChochola's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
It was my vision that the

It was my vision that the library/compuer area was to be used at the brew house. People can concoct recipes in BeerSmith referencing the BJPC .pdf on the computer as well as the books and magazine right above their heads. We'd also have a nice little catalogue of beer recipes right there on the computer if people used the brew house for "research" purposes as well as brewing purposes...

But, my vision can be flexible....

JimChochola's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
We also have enough money to

We also have enough money to invest in more books and even another subscription or two (we already have BYO coming).

IGZ's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Alchemist, member since
did you lend it to me when i

did you lend it to me when i went up to michigan?  coulda sworn it was my own. that picture is me reading it on the bus to michigan.
