Intro to All Grain Brewing

Pete's picture
Sunday, April 14, 2013 - 11:00 AM to 6:30 PM

Join CHAOS (Chicago Alchemists Of Sud) Brew Club for an introductory class on All-Grain brewing.  The class will cover everything you need to know to make a 5 gallon batch of beer.  If you’re new to home brewing or you are looking to make the jump from extract to all-grain - this class is a great way to learn techniques that will produce well made all-grain homebrew. 

The Intro to All-Grain Brewing class is part of CHAOS Brew Clubs commitment to education.  As a dues paying member of CHAOS, participation in this class is included with your membership.  If you are not a member you can sign up here.  A paid membership at any member tier or a trial membership ($25 for 60 days) is required for this class.  There is also a $5/pp materials fee to cover the costs of brewing materials for this class.

The Intro to All-Grain Class will be held at the CHAOS Brew House (1329 W. Grand, alley entrance) on April 14th, 2013.  The class will start at 11 am.  Please budget about 6-7 hours for brewing and instruction.  Specific information will include: types of grains and grist composition, The Science of Mashing, Sparge Techniques, Full Volume Boils, and Yeast Health.

This will be a hands-on brewing class.  All students will have a hand in crafting a batch of home brewed beer.  The class will be split into two groups, each brewing 5 gallons of an American-style Wheat beer.  The instruction and composition of the grain bill will be identical for both batches.  There will however be some variation in the late addition hops used in each brew.  You will be able to taste these differences and the fruit of you labor about 3 weeks later during a social held at the brew house.  Invite your friends and enjoy the home brewed beer you made served on tap.

Please RSVP using the "I will attend" link below.  Class will be taught by David Williams and Pete Alvarado

Last seen: 11 years 6 months ago
Thanks for putting this

Thanks for putting this together!

Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago
I can't make it today; but

I can't make it today; but thank you for having this intro course and please have somthing similar in the future!

Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
Web-only, member since
Was hoping to drop in on this

Was hoping to drop in on this class if possible. Busy day though.

David's picture
Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
Alchemist, member since

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Come on by. We are about half way through our boil.=20

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