Wed, Jul 10, 2013 - 9:09am
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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heard Adam York on NPR talking about the new homebrew laws
pretty cool...................way to represent CHAOS...............nice job sounding all professional and stuff
Hope I sounded good. During the interview I though I was a bit rambly, but the interviewer was pretty cool. Maybe he'll come check out the BrewBQ on Saturday.
Is there a link to the audio online anywhere?
Yeah, I heard that this morning, too. Well done Adam!
Awesome...I would have been listening if my radio wasn't stolen last week -__-
Hope they put up a stream of it up later!!
Oh, and thanks to Mark, who pointed the WBEZ guy my way! Let's continue to get CHAOS's name out there!
Jamie orginally pointed him my way - but Adam had more to do with the final product....what influence we had...