Solidarity for Charity Saturday August 24

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Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
Solidarity for Charity Saturday August 24

Hey guys I am interested in having a CHAOS table at the Solidarity for Charity event to be held at the Dank Haus Cultural Center on Saturday August 24.
Any interested members will be asked to donate some of their best homebrews and their time for the duration of the event. Remember, you will be representing CHAOS and be pouring amongst many other renowned breweries taking part in this event. So bring your BEST and show them what our club is made of!
More specific details will be available soon.

Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
Hey guys I have more info on

Hey guys I have more info on the CHAOS table for Solidarity For Charity event. Our table will be in the VIP area among a more intimate setting so interested members can talk beer with like minded beer geeks and describe their awesome brews. The event will be a 2 session event, so any participants will be invited to stay for both sessions and work the table in 4 hour intervals, 1:00-5:00, or 1:30-5:30, 5:00-9:00 or 5:30-9:30, so you can schmooze around the event with free range access to food tables and brew tables, all complementary of course. I have heard from a few interested members, but we need a few more individuals. If you can't have a brew to showcase and still want to be a part, no worries. We need volunteers as well to work food tables, pour beer, etc with the same benefits of course. Any questions, please feel free to contact me or post on this thread. Salud!

Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
Hey CHAOS peeps! With all the

Hey CHAOS peeps! With all the clearing of beer going on, i just wanted to remind everyone about the CHAOS table for the Solidarity for Charity event. If anyone is interested in donating brew for our club's table, feel free to contact me. Salud all!