Bourbon maple syrup barrel Project

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josh s
josh s's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
Bourbon maple syrup barrel Project

After doing a lot of searching i finaly found a source for bourbon maple syrup barrels. However they are a little expensive. $150 plus $50 shipping. Is anyone interested in splitting the cost up or possibly helping set up a recipe doing a group buy and spliting the cost per batch? I have a decent recipe for a nice big stout or we could re use the bourbon county clone recipe.



UK 2-row- 19 lbs

Munich- 1.62 lbs

Belgian Debittered- .81 lbs

Roast Barley- 2.16 lbs

Chocolate- 1.35 lbs

Crystal 60- 2.16 lbs



Total 27 lbs-

75 Minute- 2 ounces Willamette

30 minute- 1 ounce Willamette

0 minute- 1 ounce Willamette



60 IBU



Mash at 154-156 degrees, no lower.

OG- 1.129

FG- 1.040

Yeast- US-05- 2 packets, or a starter with equivalent yeast count. 

(424 billion yeast cells needed, equivalent to two 11.5 gram dry yeast packets)- Mr. Malty

Hitting the numbers:

I mashed with 6.75 gallons split over 2 different mash tuns.  Using two different mash tuns helps with efficiency theoretically, although I'd be interested to see someone try and do the whole thing in one tun, to see if their numbers are as good.  Remember to thoroughly mix up all your grain if you split it into two tuns.  You'll need the base grain's enzyme's to interact with the specialty grain and you won't be getting as good numbers if you're trying to sparge equal amounts in a tun that has more base than another. 


That's 1 quart per lb of grain for the mash.  I did another batch mashing with more like 1.25 or 1.5 quarts per lb and ended up with more liquid.  I got the same numbers but had to boil down more for the latter.  I suggest mashing light and sparging more.  Your preboil volume should probably be at least 9 gallons.  You'll need to boil off down to 5.  The more you sparge the better your numbers will be after boil off.  Remember that you should add hops in not at the start of the boil but when you think you have 75 minutes left, roughly.  My boils have been anywhere from 90 to 120 minutes.  It depends on your system.  Remember that if you start out at a lower original gravity, your final gravity will also be off, negatively affecting the final mouthfeel and sweetness of the beer.

I'll be printing up worksheets for people to fill out as they brew to figure out what the most efficient way of brewing such a big beer is. 

For fermentation, please be aware that you should really be using a 6-6.5 gallon carboy or bucket with equivalent headspace.  Using a 5 gallon carboy will result in the loss of beer through blow off (which happened anyways with one of my batches in a 6.5 gallon carboy).  Alternatively, you may split the batch in half over two carboys, as long as the yeast count for each is equal.  This is ok as long as you remember to recombine them into one carboy after primary fermentation has completed.  This will ensure that oxidation doesn't occur from the high amount of headspace you'll have with 2.5 gallons in a 5 gallon fermenter.  Please don't slack off on recombining.

Also, be aware that fermentation of such a high-gravity beer will result in high internal temperatures.  The beer will produce its own heat.  English ale yeast, when it reaches high temperatures, will produce fruity esters that completely dominate and overtake the aroma and taste profile of the beer.  You don't want this to happen to such an expensive beer.  We can't put too many beers that taste like this into the barrel.  Current ferm-room temperatures should be good enough for the beer.  The outside digital gauge should be reading 66-67, or less.  If it gets between 68-70 it will produce a bad beer.  I've had two high gravity batches of beer ferment at this temp and their ester profile was overwhelming.

As the organizer of this barrel I will reserve the right for myself to reject any batch that I think will compromise the integrity of the barrel.  If I think your batch is awful because you did something dumb like oxidized it, infected it, fermented it at wrong temperatures, forgot to filter out and remove the hot break, or did an atrocious job of hitting your numbers, I might replace your beer.  Tough love.  You will need to do a good job of hitting correct numbers by correctly calculating mash temperatures, mash and sparge volumes as well as monitoring fermentation temperatures.  If you are concerned about brewing a quality batch, talk with me and we can work together making it.  I'm happy to answer any questions anyone has.  

1. Josh S- brewed

2. Lucas - brewed

3. Jeff W - brewed - paid

4. Jonas- brewed

5. Rich - brewed

6. Josh S 2nd batch - brewed

Since these are only 30 gal barrels I think 6 people brewing should cover it.  If someone wants out or in let me know.

joefalck's picture
Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
I'd like to be in on this

I'd like to be in on this provided enough people get in to make the cost reasonable. That sounds great.

lucas's picture
Last seen: 10 months 3 days ago
Alchemist, member since
I agree, this sounds awesome.

I agree, this sounds awesome.

Oh... my... god.  Why haven't we done this?

Jeff W
Jeff W's picture
Last seen: 2 days 22 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
I'm in, too.

I'm in, too.

Last seen: 9 years 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
Count me in as well

Count me in as well

Canuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Alchemist, member since
I'm interested

I'm interested

The emperor is not as forgiving as i am

josh s
josh s's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
Looks like I waited to long

Looks like I waited to long to jump on the barrel he had ready, it sold before I could get it.  

However After speaking with them some more they will have more barrels available in mid October.  I will go ahead and put together the recipe for this and plan to recieve everything and have everyone start brewing mid september to have things ready mid to late october when we could get the barrel.  

Ill be keeping the log of people who I think want in on this project up at the first post and eventually post the recipe up there also.  

josh s
josh s's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
All, the time flew by and the

All, the time flew by and the barrel is going to be shipped out next week.  Ive updated the top of this thread to be treated as the hub for the recipe and brewers involved.  I was planning on testing my recipe for a stout sutable for this barrel but it wont be ready in time to judge how it turned out, therefor I think we should steal the recipe from the bourbon county stout (posted above for convience).  

Everyone please have your batch brewed up asap I dont want the barrel sitting around empty to long.  If you cant brew within the next three weeks please find a substitute for your share.  Please let me know when you plan to brew so I can keep track.

joefalck's picture
Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
Maple Bourbon Barrel Stout
joefalck's picture
Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
I had a few minutes so I just

I had a few minutes so I just threw the grains and hops in your recipe in to beersmith to help things along and to help get an idea of what the mash would potentially look like, and strike water temps and all that.  I've got my beersmith settings calculating 73 percent efficiency

1.2 gallon boil off/hour based on a 10 gallon pot

using a 10 gallon mash tun 

.5 gallon mash tun deadspace

.3 gallon loss to the counterflow

I can post the raw beersmith file as well so anyone else can tweak it and mess with it further.

josh s
josh s's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
Thanks joe. Also we gotta

Thanks joe. Also we gotta come up with a good name for this

josh s
josh s's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
And also i found out that the

And also i found out that the actual capacity of the barrel is only 27 gal. So if everyone hits 5 gal we will only need 6 brewers so if anyone wants out let me know.

Canuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Alchemist, member since
I won't be able to brtew this

I won't be able to brtew this until after our party.  Earliest would be the 11/09.  If thats too late I'll give up my spot.

The emperor is not as forgiving as i am

Rich's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
If you end up needing someone

If you end up needing someone else, let me know and I will brew it.  And if I do, we are not calling this "Empty Netter's Revenge - Part XXV" or anything along those lines.  My only stipulation.

josh s
josh s's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
Rich ill sub you for canuck

Rich ill sub you for canuck for now.

But canuck if someone else opts out you can brew on 11/9 and well wait for your batch.

Jeff W
Jeff W's picture
Last seen: 2 days 22 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
Hi Josh,

Hi Josh,

I'm going to brew this one tomorrow.  My schedule has changed a bit, so I may be there when you come by in the afternoon.  I'll have the fantasy football beer with me, too.

Rich's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
Sorry guys, I am coming into

Sorry guys, I am coming into this late.  Did someone already purchase all the ingredients for this, or are we all getting our own?

josh s
josh s's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since


I was planning on some sort of group buy but since it snuck up on me and i dont really have experiance doing group buys i figured everyone would just supply there own.

Rich's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
No problem.  Anyone want to

No problem.  Anyone want to split a sack of UK 2-row with me?  I am just going to pick one up at Brew and Grow unless someone knows a cheaper option.(Assuming they have it)

josh s
josh s's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
I would but ive already got

I would but ive already got some.

DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
Hi, I wrote the recipe above

Hi, I wrote the recipe above and think I have a better one if you guys are up for it. Let me know.

josh s
josh s's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since


yeah im open to a new recipe. I know jeffs brewing that one up now but 5/6 of another batch shouldnt be a problem. Have you tried brewing the new one yet any input is helpful.

DanielBarker's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
You guys should just stick

You guys should just stick with the original recipe. I would highly recommend using us 05 over us 04. Don't use English ale yeast. The ferm room is not set to the appropriate temperature to handle it in this big of a beer. The activity in your beer will shoot the temp way higher than the threshold you want to keep it at, spitting out tons of esters. Changing from English to American yeast is the best tip I can give. Also, I'll just harp on the same thing I already have been harping on in the other thread. All the barrel projects have been going on all wrong. We should always be making the beer first and aging it for several months (as in this case) before ever purchasing the barrel. Especially with a barrel that is oozing maple sugars, bacteria and wild yeast will be going at it even harder than usual. Purge the barrel with co2 if it hasn't already been before shipping then get the beer in as quickly as possible to avoid infections. Your finished product will be way 'hotter' than is desirable but at least it won't be sour.

Last seen: 9 years 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
I will be able to brew this

I will be able to brew this coming saturday. Please confirm recipe and yeast as i am planning to order everything this weekend. 

josh s
josh s's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
Jonas go ahead and use the

Jonas go ahead and use the original recipe with us-05 yeast ive edited for no confusion.

josh s
josh s's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
1 more spot opened up in this

1 more spot opened up in this barrel if anyone else wants in.

Last seen: 9 years 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
brewed this today. Used two

brewed this today. Used two mash tuns and hit gravity. 

josh s
josh s's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
Jonas thats good did you hit

Jonas thats good did you hit 5 gal too?

Last seen: 9 years 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since


I think i may be about half a gallon low. I ended up loosing a bunch more than i thought to the wort chiller.

Rich's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
Brewed this tonight.  Came

Brewed this tonight.  Came out good, but about half a gallon short as well.  


josh s
josh s's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
Jonas / rich

Jonas / rich

thanks for getting this done quickly.  Ill try and shoot for a little extra to make up for thd loss on my second batch and lucas's too if you havnt brewed yet.  

The barrel should be arriving soon so ill set up a safe place for it and continue to purge with CO2.  Lets plan on transfering to secondarry asap and get it into the barrel 3 weeksfrom this now nov. 9th.  I bought a bottle of the syrup for us to try for whoever wants to help out.

Jeff W
Jeff W's picture
Last seen: 2 days 22 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
I lost about half a gallon,

I lost about half a gallon, as well.  I should be able to help out on the 9th.

Rich's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
If we need to brew another

If we need to brew another half batch or something, let me know and will be happy to contribute. I think I am out of town the weekend of the 9th unfortunately.

Last seen: 9 years 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
I can be there on the 9th.

I can be there on the 9th.

lucas's picture
Last seen: 10 months 3 days ago
Alchemist, member since
I'll be using the big RIMS

I'll be using the big RIMS tun and box so if we need some extra please let me know and I'll increase appropriately.  On another note, did you guys get Belgian Debittered online?  I don't know that I've ever seen that at B&G. 

Oh... my... god.  Why haven't we done this?

josh s
josh s's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since


they did have it at brew and grow.  Try and shoot for a little extra volume.  Im brewing no.2 today hopefully and i will too just in case.

 Also i just got the barrel in today it looks great ill be purging with CO2 later today.

Rich's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
Lucas - I bought it at B&G on

Lucas - I bought it at B&G on Morgan yesterday.

josh s
josh s's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
Wow this barrel smells

Wow this barrel smells amazing I am so happy this is going through.


barrel is at the brewhouse waiting patatly to deliver us some great beer!!

josh s
josh s's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
What do you guys think of

What do you guys think of either of these two names i came up with for this beer.

1.  Serious canadian business
2.  Massive maple heist

Rich's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
I like #2 best.  I'll throw

I like #2 best.  I'll throw out a couple:

Big Maple, Eh?

Something Aboot Da Stoot

Blame Canada Bourbon Maple Stout

lucas's picture
Last seen: 10 months 3 days ago
Alchemist, member since
I'm a big fan of Blame Canada

I'm a big fan of Blame Canada!

Oh... my... god.  Why haven't we done this?

Canuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Alchemist, member since


The emperor is not as forgiving as i am

Canuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Alchemist, member since
What aboot;

What aboot;

Take off to the great white north! EH!

The emperor is not as forgiving as i am

Jeff W
Jeff W's picture
Last seen: 2 days 22 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
I like Serious Canadian

I like Serious Canadian Business.  As long as there's a pic of Bill on the label.

lucas's picture
Last seen: 10 months 3 days ago
Alchemist, member since
A picture of Bill passed out

A picture of Bill passed out underneath the tree out front with "Serious Canadian Business" sounds awesome.


Oh... my... god.  Why haven't we done this?

lucas's picture
Last seen: 10 months 3 days ago
Alchemist, member since
Just finished brewing this,

Just finished brewing this, got about 6 gallons at 1.112 OG.  Tasted awesome, I'm guessing that this is going to have one hell of a fermentation so its on a big hose.  Brew went well so should be awesome into the barrel!

Oh... my... god.  Why haven't we done this?

Jeff W
Jeff W's picture
Last seen: 2 days 22 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
You're correct, sir, the

You're correct, sir, the fermentation is crazy.  Josh and I both had shit all over the place and had to come in and clean it up.  I would recommend using a pot for blow-off.

I transferred mine to secondary and it tasted great!

Rich's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
I used ferm cap on it and it

I used ferm cap on it and it seemed to really calm it down, had no issue with a smaller blow off tube in a bucket.

EvanSmith's picture
Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
Rich, you're used to having a

Rich, you're used to having a smaller tube with less blow off than most people though

Rich's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
Ha ha!

Ha ha!

josh s
josh s's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
Is everyone good to put this

Is everyone good to put this into the barrel at like 3 this saturday?  If not are all your fermenters marked?
