Tue, Nov 5, 2013 - 5:05pm
Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
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Do you cold crash your beer?
Just curious if very many of you bother cold crashing and if you feel it helps? If so, is there a place you do this at the new location?
The lager fridge, regular fridge, and keezer all could be used for cold crashing if there's space available. If none of those are available and you're desperate a bucket of ice water could do the trick. I'm lagering one in the regular fridge right now, but I've never cold-crashed. I believe Conrad does with his Kolsch. Out of curiousity, what are your goals with cold crashing? If you're concerned about clarity, I hear gelatin is the way to go, there's other fining agents available, but gelatin is supposed to get you crystal clear beers. I find that after bottling, in the event that it's not as clear as I want, I leave it in the fridge for another week or two and then it's crystal clear...so I guess I do cold crash, but I do it in the bottle.
Yes, just the clarity. Just have read about it and waws curious. I've used the whirfloc tablets before, but haven't tried gelatin. I also keg instead of botlle. Not sure if that makes a difference.