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Stout Night III- Planning Thread

Just when you thought your hangover from this past January had subsided, it's time to start thinking about brewing for the next Stout and Chili Night.  

If you're new to the club, Stout and Chili Night is one of our four seasonal events, and drink options are limited exclusively to dark colored beers.  It doesn't have to be a stout to count, many successful beers in the past were porters, belgian quads/strong ales, Barleywines, Black IPA's, Weizenbocks, etc...

The party also always involves Chili in some capacity.  The first year we had a competition, the second year we just made tons of good food for everyone to chow down on.  Corn-bread, corn-bread muffins, and chocolate desserts have also been major assetts in the past.  

If you're planning on making a high gravity bad-ass, remember that the longer it sits, the smoother it's going to be.  Many people have already brewed their entry for this next event so as to let it mellow, so as to let it be quaffable.  Of course, if you don't want to brew a giant beer, you might be better off brewing a month or two out instead of the several that I'm recommending. 

Here's a spreadsheet for the beers.  

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak9aSTK93PngdEU4UHJNU3BiRmF...(link is external)

I've saved a few goodies back from olden days to share this winter.  This event will happen in early December, as opposed to the other Stout Nights which have occurred in January.  That cuts off one month from our prep schedule.  Let's make this the best Stout Night ever!  

Please leave recommendations in this thread.

sry was locked, should open now

Doesn't appear that I can edit.  I have 5g of a hoppy american stout to submit. ~7% abv.

I'm not able to add anything, either.  I will be submitting five gallons of a bitter chocolate/oatmeal stout.

Why is this happening in December?

We are having harvest fest in late October then this event just over a month later then nothing till May...

Agree with Chuck that this should happen in late Jan/early feb. Too many other social things happening in December (holiday parties, etc), and, like Chuck said, only like 6 weeks after harvest fest. With Jan/Feb, we have plenty of time to brew some awesome big beers, and a better chance of a good turnout.

The further we push this back, the less chance there will be that I'll be involved. Someone else may need to helm it this year.

I vote we do it both times.

Ok. I fixed the spreadsheet so everyone can edit. Sorry that took me awhile. No Internet right now.

Hey, the new date for the event is February 1st. Please let us know if you have a brew in the works, the time is really winding down to produce a drinkable stout. This has traditionally been one of our best events for beer.

I spoke with a few people, but I noticed there are a few carboys still full of barrel aged beer from when we emptied them before moving. I know for sure there is 5 gallons each of Niilo's portion of the BCS and the Flanders Red. I say we get those both in kegs, carb em up and serve am Stout night before they get ruined by sitting in those carboys any longer.

I have no idea if it's any good, but Niilo's elixer of life is sitting in a carboy in the ferm room as well.

I'm hoping to contribute a stout based on an 1822 recipe.  I have a little more research and figuring out to do, but I think I can have one ready in time.  

I was wondering why we were low on barrel aged offerings for Harvest Fest, but I'm sure they'll still be good for Feb 1. I don't have a keg to offer.

Taking another stab at my Mayan Midnight stout with agave, coffee, cacao, and smoked chilis. I also have a Gruit Brown Ale (spicy xmas brew.)

Bumping this thread...put your delicious Stout(s) on the Google Doc! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak9aSTK93PngdEU4UHJNU3BiRmF...(link is external)

Hey, wondering if Feb. 1 is firm date? If so, should we put this on the events calendar? I'm flying back into Chicago that day so I should be able to make it and I signed up to contribute some beers. Just wanted to double check that was still the date. Thanks, Nanc

Yes, Sat Feb 1st, 5-11pm.
Daniel sent me an event description. I'm about to add it to the event calendar. I'll create a FB event page within a week (once flyer and banner is designed.)

Cool, thanks for update!

Hi!  We still need more beer!  Please let me know by private message if you intend to brew something.  In a few days if it still looks sparse I am just going to brew three or four batches on my own with house grain and specialty malt that I have.

I would also like to take a second to specifically call out for some non stout dark styles: black saison, black ipa, scotch ale, etc... We also still need more sessionable beers to help round things out. Please lemme know if youre interested!


Are there plans to invite some guest breweries to supplement any shortage of beer?

I plan on doing 5gal. And possibly there might be more. I am brewing with "Rude Boy" Ian for the next Won Kim thing and I think we are just going to try 10gal batches and split it up.

I'm reaching out to a couple of my non-Chaos friends for some beer.

Ok I got a non-Chaos friend and Powell House to be contributing.


I think we should offer them something like a 1-year Friends of Chaos membership + a guest at stout night.


I will volunteer to do another batch of chili this year, unless we are catering it or something.

Rich - Can you make the Empty Netter's Black Bean Revenge?

Ok this is the 2nd thread in a row with someone trying to slander Empty Netter. Ken and Rich don't try and water down a solid and highly sought after brand like the Empty Netter Series. Just wait till you try Empty Netter's Hairy Nut at Stout Night.


EmptyNetter.com is for sale (Empty Netter)

Click here(link is external) to buy EmptyNetter.com for $1,095

The FaceBook banner photo is still the trial membership advert from Harvest Fest. Is there one for Stout & Chili Night III I can put up?

If you get Cabin Fever this holiday season you can always brew something up for Stout Night!

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak9aSTK93PngdEU4UHJNU3BiRmFMQ3VNOGdJWEFIWFE&usp=sharing#gid=0(link is external)

For our first Stout & Chili Night, a guy named Niilo made a Four Day Clover Stout. The idea was brew a stout Monday and be drinking it Friday. He went with a low gravity stout, but it had great mouth feel and full flavor (Guiness like.) He kept it a tad warm during the four day fermentation and shook the Hell out of the carboy each day to rouse the yeast and keep it chugging. He kegged it Friday and it poured great on Saturday.

Stout night is tough with a bunch of high gravity beers, we could use a few more easy drinkers in the mix. Anyone up for the Four Day Clover Challenge?

San Diego Super Yeast would get you ready in 3 Days if you aerate the hell out of it too.


How about we find this Niilo guy and get him to make the beer? (^_^)

I updated the spreadsheet with the guest homebrewers I invited earlier. Powell House and Tim Sarrantonio. All together they are contributing 20gal of beer. The beers are brewed and they are confirmed.

We are now up to 105gal. I think we should good.

Chris, I typically feature a block on the print menu for guest brewers. Since we are not including any established breweries with logos, we have space to feature Powell House and Tim S. If you can post info here, or point me in the right direction to info online, I'll make sure to feature them in the menu. We also do brewer spotlights on Facebook as teasers leading up to the event, and it would make sense to include the guest brewers.

Teaser Write-ups:  We rarely get detailed info about the beers early enough to use as marketing fodder. Everyone involved should feel free to step up and write up a short description of your beer. What inspired you to brew it? What was unique about your ingredients or process? What's great about your beer? 200 - 500 characters.

Menu Descriptions:  Right now the menu descriptions are pretty brief. We don't want a big paragraph, but it would be nice to have a little more context, 100 - 200 characters.

I agree we have enough beer. If anyone is not coming through on their listed beer, please let us know now.

Steven I posted the info on the google doc at the bottom. It might not have shown up because i still had the doc open. I will have the finalization of the PPJBG beers this weekend. We are brewing them Sun. hopefully.

Chris, love the name Udder Nonsense for a Milk Stout, and the fact there are three varieties of a base beer makes for a great teaser blurb.

Everyone, sorry if my verbose instructions above make this seem like a homework assignment, please have fun with naming and describing your beers, just please keep it Twitter length for the menu (spreadsheet).

If anyone wants to contribute a longer write-up for a brewer spotlight release on Facebook, just post it here.

Stephen, I have 2.5 gallons of a Kolsch for use at Stout Night, if you're looking for some lighter beers.  Kinda boring, but it's only 4.86% and super drinkable.

No light colored beers please! Thanks anyways Jeff! Also, looks like your bitter chocolate stout has a pellicle on it. It is probably in the process of going sour.

Jeff...you can cold steep some Black Patent Malt and add it to the Kolsch in the secondary to raise the SRM significantly.

Crap, thanks for the head's up!

I can understand deciding to have no light colored beer, but I do recall a couple of people asking for a relief from the heavy stouts. Ken's suggestion is good. I assume a red kolsch is fine, but maybe Daniel has a SRM line in mind. Red cool?

It's already bottled, so adding the Black Patent is not an option.  No biggie.

Now that my stout has started to sour, anyone have some cherry or raspberry extract I could use?

I was thinking about bringing a wheat that I have a keg of just to provide that relief.  Should I hold off? let me know your thoughts. 

Chile: Folks! We need volunteers for chili. Each volunteer will be responsible for drawing up a recipe and submitting it to Evan, who will be tabulating totals. We're going to take those totals to Costco, purchase, and distribute. Each volunteer will then be responsible for making their chili. We'll need to know if you're going to need the use of the brewhouse to prepare your chili as we'll be busy decorating, etc... And will need to make sure everyone has room. Please private message Evan and myself if you're interested.

Lucas just do a black wheat! Update your recipe with a little but of carafa, debittered, or 'midnight wheat' and it will turn the beer dark.

Jeff, I used 100% tart cherry juice in my sour stout last year and I think it turned out pretty well.  

Also, if you want to bring a light beer we can hold onto it for emergency purposes, just in case we run out of other beers.  Would you be interested in doing that?

Chris Murphy, can you have your guest brewers sign up for web only memberships so we can have them on the list as comp'ed? Thanks so much for reaching out to them!


Chris sent me the names of the guest brewers and +1s. They will hould all be web members by the party. Ill PM you the list.



I was thinking about going the cherry route, will try that one.  

The bottles of Kolsch are already in the ferm room, so I'll keep them there in case we need them for back-up.
