Ok everyone ive got a recipe nailed down for this next addition to the bourbon maple syrup barrel. If everything goes good we should be taking the beer out of there by mid febuary.
11lb 12oz Marris otter
12oz crystal 40
12oz victory malt
6oz special toasted malt(marris @300deg. for 45min. night before brew day.)
2oz black paten
Mash at 157 for 90 min.
90min boil
.75oz centenial @60min
1liter us-04 starter
primary for 3weeks then rack untill we are ready.
The hops i used were the C-type hops we got from david. If you didnt get any and want enough for this beer for free let me know.
be careful with the longer boil again we dont want to come up under volume again.
Also i dont have the numbers we are supposed to hit on me once i get home ill look at my beer smith to get gravities and volume.
below is the curreny list of brewers involved, if anyone wants out or in let me know asap.
1. Josh Smith - brewed - $7.71 for Rasberries - Paid
2. Lucas - brewed - $7.71 for Rasberries - Paid
3. Jeff W - brewed - $7.71 for Rasberries - paid
4. Jonas - brewed - $7.71 for Rasberries - paid
5. Rich - brewed - $7.71 for Rasberries - Paid
6. Bill - brewed - $7.71 for Rasberries - Paid
7. Ken - brewed - $7.71 for Rasberries - paid
We can also start debating the amount of raspberry to put in when we do. I think we should do 24oz frozen per 5gal batch. So maby 84oz over this whole barrel, thoughts?
If you cant brew asap, or need any help, or anything let me know.
I had an awesome brew today. Ended up with 5.5 gallons and an OG of 1.070.
Going to have to brew this next weekend. I hope that's ok.
Yes thats fine. Everyone update me on when you plan on brewing?
Does 1.070 work for the OG? It's right for the style...
Yeah thats fine i think i hit 1.075 but i only got 4.5 gal if that
Cool, I entered the grains and yeast into an online OG calculator and got the 1.070 for a target OG. It tasted great!
As far as brewing, I don't think I'll be able to get this brewed until after Stout Night. My weekends are just going to be a mess until then. If that means you all need to find someone else, that's not a problem, but if that timing works out then I'll get it done.
Oh... my... god. Why haven't we done this? http://thechive.com/2013/09/17/guys-rig-up-buddies-plumbing-with-beer-wh...(link is external)
That should be fine. If you can brew on the 8th of feb. we can push the emptying / filling untill the 25th. But that means that everyone else has to brew by the 8th at the latest.
Sounds good, I'll plan on brewing that weekend.
Oh... my... god. Why haven't we done this? http://thechive.com/2013/09/17/guys-rig-up-buddies-plumbing-with-beer-wh...(link is external)
I will brew this the same weekend as Lucas maybe the 01/25 if plans fall through.
The emperor is not as forgiving as i am
I will sign up to brew on the 8th as well.
Josh - I will be brewing this on Feb 6th. I intended to do it Tuesday, but I didn't want to fight the weather.
Brewed on Saturday. Hit 1.070, but also only got 4.5 gallons.
The emperor is not as forgiving as i am
So this weekend I had 2 different Raspberry beers and they both had an overwhelming Raspberry flavor. One was Bluching Monk made in 2011, tasted exactly like Raspberry jam, and the Raspberry Truffle Abduction (their first batch) you couldn't taste the chocolate or the base beer.
Maybe start with a pound per 5 gallone batch and slowly add more over time.
I have a similar scotch ale with raspberry we can try that i made a while back to judge amount of raspberry flavor. Ill bring it tge day we fill the barrel.
I transferred my batch to secondary last night. It's really, really good. The raspberry will mix well with this one, but we should definitely be careful about not overdoing it. I wouldn't want to over power the base flavor.
I agree on taking it easy with the rasberry. Should be a subtle flavor if possible. I don't think it fades out much.
Psssh don't be scrurred!!!! Put like a pound per gallon in that bia. Keep it Jammy!!!
I think our thread has been hacked by some jealous crackpot.
Hes trying to highjack us.
The emperor is not as forgiving as i am
Was that english? :-P
Oh... my... god. Why haven't we done this? http://thechive.com/2013/09/17/guys-rig-up-buddies-plumbing-with-beer-wh...(link is external)
Brewed this today, went well. Got right at five gallons. No idea how that happened.
Brewed this yesterday.I got 1.070 and just below 5 gallons into the fermenter.
Have we decided when we are emptying the barrel? Just wondering if I should move my beer to secondary.
I also forgot to mention that Ken and I brewed this together last week and hit 1.074 with 10 or so gallons.
Oh... my... god. Why haven't we done this? http://thechive.com/2013/09/17/guys-rig-up-buddies-plumbing-with-beer-wh...(link is external)
How is march 8th for everyone to empty and fill the new batch?
I am out of town that weekend. Any other probably works, though.
I can do the 15th if that works. I also still have the bottle of bourbon syrup from the guy we got the barrel from wanna do waffles or something?
I could do the 15th, but not the 8th as I'll be out of town. And I'm down for waffles, or... is anyone interested in throwing a "CHAOS barrel brunch"? We could make a shit-load of pancakes, eggs, and potatoes or something for more than just those of us in the barrel. Thoughts?
Oh... my... god. Why haven't we done this? http://thechive.com/2013/09/17/guys-rig-up-buddies-plumbing-with-beer-wh...(link is external)
Sounds like a plan its an open house day too. Ill do waffles if you guys wanna divy up the other items.
I can handle the pancakes and eggs. How about 11 AM on the 15th? I can put up an event if that works.
Oh... my... god. Why haven't we done this? http://thechive.com/2013/09/17/guys-rig-up-buddies-plumbing-with-beer-wh...(link is external)
That may be a crazy weekend for me, but I should be able to make it. Let's create an event.
What about the next two weekends? It's there still beer to be brewed?
Rich...the project is waiting on Lucas & mine to ferment, we brewed it last Thursday.
Got it.
You should check out the extras in the group grain buy. There is a rasberry fruit puree that is pretty cost effective. You will have no sanitazation issues with this product. I think its about $3/lb or $120/42lbs
Reminder to all this saturday is the day we are emptying and filling the barrel. Be there to help or sanitize and labled with your name on it.
Exciting. What time you thinking of getting started?
I won't be able to get there until about 1330.
The emperor is not as forgiving as i am
I'll be there
I am going to bring a bucket tonight just in case I can't make it Saturday morning. Never bottled a beer that has been sitting in a barrel. Any special considerations?
Rich, ill be keging and then force carb bottleing of thd keg with my beer gun. But you can also add in some extra yeast at bottling time
That's a good idea. Maybe I will just keg it then and borrow a beer gun.
Rich you can use mine i might even have a keg you can use too.
I'm definitely bottling mine. How much yeast do I add? Just add it to the bottling bucket?
Thanks. I should have a keg, just have to see if I can get it back.
Kyle used rehydrated champaign yeast 1 pack for 3 batchs straight to bottling bucket and that worked out well.
And your all welcome to use my beer gun too if you want to.
Josh, going to try to stop by, but I put a clean keg just inside the ferm Room with a label on it.