Hi all, please use this spreadsheet for volunteering for this weekend's Stout Night: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtmglN10hoh_dEN5NHNoYU13b2J...
I used the sheet from Harvest Fest. Feel free to change the times, etc, to fit anything you may have planned for the night.
Thanks for posting that, Jeff.
Can we clarify the start time for the event, and as it relates to some of the shift scheduling? Our website and Facebook list the event as starting at 6pm, the promo image on our site says 5pm, and the sign-up sheet has bartending shifts 4-6pm. 6pm is the proper start time, right?
Could those 4-6pm bartending shifts be transitioned to a "Set-up" role, or rescheduled to match the start of the event and shortening the other shifts?
Good Point...I changed it. Party does start at 6pm. Those shifts were meant to set-up all the kegs/tank/etc...we have tended to overlook that in the past.
BTW, the event is 6-11. I changed everything I could to be consistent but I'm not a graphics person so I left the graphics alone.
Ken, thanks for clarifying.
Will the bartenders be 2 at the main bar, 1 inside small bar and 1 outside, roughly the same as Harvest Fest?
Not sure on the layout...Steven & Daniel would be more familiar with those details.
At the meeting we discussed having most of the beers in the tent outside to get people to circulate more....
Bumping this so it stays near the top.
Looking for more people to serve chili and food.
Folks, if you have beer for the party it's imports t to us that you get it to the club as soon as possible to ensure that your beer has proper time to settle from being moved. In connection with this we want to make sure that everything is pouring correctly with the proper level of co2. A few of us will be at the brewhouse tonight of you don't have a door code. Please try and get your beer to the brewhouse no later than tomorrow night. If you can't please send me a private message letting me know when you can get your beer to us in order o prevent it from being taken off the print menus. Thanks!
For whatever reason I cant edit the google spread sheet. I am available to serve food from 8:30-11 with my plus 1. I am also available to be a runner for most of the night... I will get there around 7.
More importantly, where is the spreadsheet to enter my beer? I'll have a bunch of bombers from 2 barleywines and 1 chili EIPA.
Hi Matt, not sure why you can't edit. I added you to the food serving section. What's you +1's name? I'll add them, too.
The beer spreadsheet is here: http://www.chaosbrewclub.net/forum/general-discussion/stout-night-iii-pl...
Janet Zielinski