This is a recurring monthly event I'll be heading up, tentatively set on every fourth Tuesday around 6:30 pm. I am open to other nights/weekend days as well.
* Make community beer for the club.
* Brew together with your fellow brother and sister zymologists, learn something new.
* Hang out, minor cleaning/projects, probably eat tacos.
I will be developing a few "house" recipes and submit them here. I will rotate between three beers: APA or IPA, American stout and an American wheat...these are easy and cheap to make.
I welcome comments and suggestions. If you dont like them, feel free to join me and brew your own version for the club! :)
Initial ingredients, carboys and kegs will be mine. Anyone else who would like to donate ingredients, equipment would be quite welcome. I will be asking CHAOS to pick up the tab after the initial batch(es).
Also, while constantly having beer on tap is great, I've noticed the general scuzziness and lack of sanitation in the kegerator has left all beers tasting off. I would like to clean, organize and mantain the keezer as best I can. We're a beer club, our house beer should be the shit.
I hope you can join me the 25th for the first club brew as well as 4/22 and 5/27. Cheers!
Great idea matt. Look forward to participating and having house beer on tap with a clean kegerator.
Oh, hells, yeah! This is an awesome idea! I'll try to make it!
I'll try to make it!
Love it! I hope to make some of them, too.
I suggest get as many as you can up on the calendar (from April to December even!) so that people know it's coming and can plan ahead; like the Hoppy Hour and Open House each month.
ill be there with ya!
While my work schedule prevents me from joining, this is a fantastic idea!!! You should probably brew that Zombie Dust clone that's in currently in the keezer a few more times, I think that'd be a great "house beer". At any rate that's a delicious brew, good work on that.
Tell me more about this beer that is in the keezer. First I'm hearing of this.
The runt batch of my 20gallon Zombiedust clone. Sh-load of citra and 2 oz of pacific jade for bittering. Its on the far right tap.
@kyle. What Matt said. It's a nice recipe.
So if Kyle is the Master of Matt now the Keeper of the Keezer?
Matt is this event happening tomorrow? I haven't seen it posted on Facebook or our events page here. We should get this up and promote it so new members come out and take part in this. Also a great way to show off the space. I will try and make it to help tomorrow.
Matt I can create an event on FB real quick if you want to write something up for me to post...
Yes, this is happening. Sorry, I dont knwo where to put the event up on the site. Jeff, I'll write you a blurb to put up today. Thanks.
I should be there around 6ish tomorrow night.
The emperor is not as forgiving as i am
Recipe looks like this, Im open to suggestions/input.
10 Gallons
OG 1061
38.2 IBUs
22.5 # 2 Row
12 oz Vienna (used as a substitute for Munich)
10 oz carapils
.5# Crystal 20
.5# Crystal 40
.5# Crystal 60
.25# Crystal 120
Mash at 154 for 60 mins
Whirlfloc x2
2 oz cascade (60)
1 oz amarillo (30)
1 oz amarillo (10)
2 oz citra (0)
WYeast 1056 x2
Seems like a lot of crystal.
Matt, there is grain on my shelf that is all yours. It's in buckets and labeled. If anyone else is making club beers it's up for grabs too. Jeff might be able to comment better on what is there. I think I have both Vienna and Munich + 2 row and rye. Not sure on quantities.
Thanks David, I'll check it out.
Kyle - I use .25# of 20,40,60,90 in my 5 gal batches and it works out well. Let's see how this goes and make adjustments from there. I forgot to mention that this is all crushed and mixed already...
Thanks to everyone who came out and brewed yesterday, it was fun. We made 10 gallons of APA. Look for it on tap in about a month!
Awesome! Sorry I couldn't make it! I'll try to be there in April.