We need to give the manufacuture a count on shirt sizes. Please use the options below to slect which shirt size you would like to order. The poll will record the person ordering and we will add you to the list. Please note that selecting a size will commit you to buying a work shirt.
Payment and delivery will be figured out once we get a final quote. The pricing looks like it will be somewhere between $20-$30 per work-shirt. Details, including mock up images, can be found in this thread:
Dave, I put my request in for Large, but would take two shirts
I'm in and just voted. Great idea!
I'm interested to see a mock up of the rockepatches...I have reservations about it looking too biker gangy...I think it's cool that's the theme for the AHA conference, and that's all good. But it would be unfortunate to be wearing your chaos shirt at a bar and get into a misunderstanding with drunken angry bikers. I've never seen that end well. So in conclusion, I'm for back patches as long as they aren't too biker gangy..,
Do we know how true to size these shirts run? Or a link to the manufacturer's site so I can check for myself?
Will this shirt make me look fat?
Unconfident and concerned
The shirts are manufactured by Red Kap. Here are some details from them:
Neck Measurement
Back Length and Sleeve Length
RG: 33
LN: 35 1/2
RG: 33 1/2
LN: 35 1/2
RG: 34
LN: 36
RG: 34 1/2
LN: 36
RG: 35
LN: 36
RG: 35
LN: 36
RG: 35
LN: 36
All measurements in inches.
....Matt, you'll look fantastic.
David - Could you come over and measure my back length again? That, or you will have to ship it to my tailor in Singapore.
Is this more like a Dickies style shirt?
Eli, This is similar to a dickies shirt. This is the type of shirt that you typically see as brewery work shirts. Also, your selection was not recorded when you tried to do it via mobile.
Update. We are going to try and finalize this order by middle of next week to go out. Steven indicated that he would mock up some other designs and we can choose which we like best. Once the final design is known, we should have a firm price. I'm hopeful that people will be able to rock these on May 3rd...but we will definitely have these before AHA conference.
Here's some options I've been working on, some are one color silkscreen, others are patches, but we could print a patch style design.
click to enlarge
Hi. Can you please tell me who makes these work shirts you are using here, and if possible where I can get them? I like the shirt and want to use it for my own business shirts.
Thanks & regards,
I like C for screen print and B for patches!
I'm a fan of A, how hard would it be to add Alchemist, Brewer, etc. to the other pocket on A or C?
Oh... my... god. Why haven't we done this?
I agree with lucas
I like C...I think the circle calls attention in a subtle manner.
I like A & C with the idea that Lucas proposed. I feel like it's boy scouts and I'm earning badges :)
Heh. Love the idea of CHAOS "merit" badges. I like A and C.
THe more I think about it, the more I like it... taught a class, served on board, founder, brewed for "insert event"..... is this something people would be interested in? We couls start a seperate thread for it. Otherwise if it's between A & C I like C since it gets the Chicago Star in there.
I realize there is a rush to get shirts for AHA, but I think silkscreen softens the work shirt: less mechanic, more valet. IMO, we need patches for work shirts.
If time dictates doing a run of silkscreened workshirts for the conference, I will help y'all, but I'll be waiting to get properly patched.
Maybe I've been doing too much workshirt patch research, but D nails it, fucking classic. A little Sons of Anarchy in there too with the double stack horizontal bars.
Anyhow, our current patch is better than any of the silkscreen options. However, the typesetting and spacing on the current patch is not right, so let's redesign that one before ordering anymore.
I like the idea of the patches for motivation and credit. If we were going to do the patches, I think B would be better for uniformity. If we scratch the patch idea, I like C. These patches are iron on, right? Good job on the designs, Steve!
Personally I'm anti-all patch. In general I prefer embroidery as I think it gives a nice look, but that can get expensive. Given the cost, I think silkscreen, when done right, can have a nice professional look as well.
Is there a way we can split the looks down the middle, that may look odd with part patch and part other, thoughts?
Oh... my... god. Why haven't we done this?
Great work Steven. Did we want to do anything on the back?
The cheapest option is the screen printing. Patches will be an additional cost. I think laying down a good base shirt to work with is not a bad idea. The base shirt can have screen printed portions and we can add patches later. There was talk about adding "side rocker" patches that say Alchemist. I still like that idea too.
B or C is my vote.
And, I think CHAOS merit badges would be cool. I know this is way off-topic but we desperately need to start incentivizing stuff around the club: either merit badges or a "member score" (whereby, e.g., the person using the brew bay after you gives you a rating on how well you cleaned, &c.) or even Untappd "electronic" badges on the site (e.g., most prolific brewer badge or cleanest brewer badge or "host with the most" badge for someone who hosts the most Hoppy Hours or classes or whatever) would motivate people in the right direction. So, if we leave ourselves room on the shirt for patches, &c., we can toy with CHAOS merit badges at some point.
I'm with Steven. I really like the D option with B coming in second. However if its a matter of getting these rolled out in time for the AHA conference then I'll have to go with C.
The emperor is not as forgiving as i am
D would be #1, with B coming in at #2.
We are finalizing this today. We are ordering 24 shirts...thats the minimum order. Steven is finalizing the design now. Looks like these shirts will be on the low side of our cost estimate at $22 for a workshirt. As soon as they come in, I'll arrange a time when you can pay me for the shirt...maybe at Cinco if they come in quick.
Hey Dave, we briefly talked about this last week, I don't normally wear collar shirts so have no idea what size to get, but if you are able to order (1) women's cut shirt, I'd like a Medium. I think the Men's cut would look big and boxy on me. Let me know. Thanks, Nanc
Also, if you can't get a women's cut, don't worry about getting me a shirt, just let me know either way and if I owe money. Thanks!
Silkscreen logo on back, and patches on the front. We have patches for AHA. You can always add and swap out patches, even patch over a patch, so the front of your shirt is where you can get creative (sleeves are a good spot for patches too.) We could even come up with small silkscreen designs to add.
People have been looking for everything from biker outlaw to boy scout. I think this has a bit of a retro rocker look that plays to both sides. The silkscreen on the back will crack and distress over time, which will be a nice effect. This buys us time to suit up people for AHA, and then figure out all the other 'merit' patches we want.
click to enlarge
I like those
The emperor is not as forgiving as i am
Nancy - I'll look into this and send you a message.
Ordering is going in now...
very nice work, Steven. That looks badass
Agreed! Looks great! I love the single red Chicago star on the back, really pops out...really pulls the shirt together...
Shirts came out to $22 each. You can quick pay me using my email address or pay me in person. I'll drop off shirts at brewhouse once paid or when I see you.
Quick pay email:
D a w I l l I a ms83 [at] gmail. com
I'll be taking masking tape and marking everyones shirts. I'll keep them in my truck and get them to you whenever I see you. Once everyone is paid, I can just drop the box at the BH if everyone is okay with that.
Works for me.
thanks Dave, would love to get mine at the retreat tomorrow if possible
I've updated the list two posts up to indicated those who have paid as well as those that have their shirts. If you have not paid, please do so.
I've updated the list again to reflect those that have paid and/or picked up their shirts. I still need to hear from Kyle, Fitz, and Eric Franklin.
Dave...The Fitz listed is Kevin Fitzpatrick and not Heady Topper lovin' Fitz...just in case there is confusion.
Dave sent you money tonight.
Still need to get mine somehow...
Hi guys, when would you guys take another order for shirts? I had seen a few members wear them but didn't know where to get them.
I'm definitely in for the next round, too.
Id be willing to do another order if the club funded. I paid the last one out of my pocket and its more of a pain than i'd like to do again. There is a 24 shirt minimum.
Also, I will be at the brewhouse tonight (6/5/14) if anyone wants to pick up/pay for there shirts. I've also updated the original list. Most everyone has paid and picked up thier shirt. The list below is just people that have not paid or picked up:
Hi Chaos work shiters, um I mean shirters. I never picked up my shirt and talked to David, who said he left the remaining ones behind the bar. I know it's been awhile, but I got busy and it slipped my mind. I'll make a broad announcement to the club, but figured I'd see if anyone of you guys grabbed/saw my shirt around. Thanks!