Ive listed here the recipe for the Lambic which will go into barrel #1 the larger barrel at approx the end of august. I highly highly recommend that you sign up to try and brew this for the aug. tuesdays brewsdays as i will be doing the chaos batch as a demonstration. We will start kinda early i think around 4:30 that day.
Recipe Specifics (All-Grain)
Batch Size (Gal): 10
Total Grain (Lbs): 16
Anticipated OG: 1.048
Anticipated SRM: 3.5
Anticipated IBU: 12.9
Brewhouse Efficiency: 74 %
Wort Boil Time: 330 Minutes
10.5 lbs. German Pilsener
5.5 lbs. White Wheat UNMALTED
1.00 oz. Hallertauer @ first sign of boil.
WYeast 3763 Roeselare Yeast + Slurry (ECY bug farm added into barrel) do not worry about this + dregs
Mash Schedule
Turbid Mash - http://www.themadfermentationist.com/2009/08/lambic-3-turbid-mash.html(link is external)
If you do not attend the tuesdays brewsdays and take notes i highly recommend printing these steps for your brew day.
bring light DME to brew day incase you dont hit your OG.
You will end up starting with a very high boil and end up boiling down alot and this could be fast and unpredictable. Cut your boil when you hit your volume Last time I did this my boil was around 2.5 hours.
Barrel #1 - 60 gallon wine barrel - Lambic (Turbid Mash) - 10Gallon batchs
1. CHAOS Batch (Will be brewed for Aug. Tuesdays Brewsdays for Demonstration) - brewed
2. Josh Smith / Chuck - brewed
3. Ken - brewed
4. Jeff
5. Eric - brewed
6. Pete - brewed
7. Joe - brewed
I printed up a bunch of turbid mash walk throughs. Ill leave them up by the bar area. Remember that the steps arnt exactly the same, you will need to double volumes.
Good luck with that stupid turbid mash... I highly recommend brewing this with others around, at least one, to help with that. Did it myself and it was a pain in the ass. Have it going with ECY bugfarm now and it smells like a Drie Fonteinen or Cantillon after only a single month fermenting. That stuff is the real deal. Where'd you guys get the wine barrel?
FYI I had to use approx 1/2 lb of light dme to get up to the proper gravity.
Ummm, Josh I thought we were splitting your patch...
we are i just did all the wrk. Its just as hard to make a double batch so i did all of it at once. Total ingredient cost was $44.00.
Since I am moving I have to bow out of this. Should be an open spot now.
Kyles spot is open. Preference will go to Joe the person who donateds the barrel. Ive never et Joe so if anyone knows him the spot will ramain open for 1 week.
If its still open after that I think Chuck may have wanted in his own whole batch.
After that its open.
Just an FYI...I emailed Joe.
If Joe doesn't want in I do.
Joe is in for the project and we will be brewing our batches together in the coming weeks.
Okay great
I don't think I actually in publicly announced on here all the yeast / bugs for this project is on hold under chaos at the Morgan Street brew andg grow.
And everybody update me on what day they were planning on brewing this
This sounds excellent. Super excited about getting in on this.
Do we have a date set for emptying the barrel yet?
Chuch, I will split my batch with you, we can brew it in the morning when we are both off of work sometime.
"Give a man a beer, and he will waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, and he will waste a lifetime!" Bill Owen
I am down witrh that Pete, Thanks. Sorry Josh, but I wanna learn new tech not buy into a barrel.
Cool, We are gonna get high, so high!!!!
"Give a man a beer, and he will waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, and he will waste a lifetime!" Bill Owen
and brew a good beer. (maybe)
"Give a man a beer, and he will waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, and he will waste a lifetime!" Bill Owen
Ok thanks for the update everyone else step up and brew now.
Joe and I brewed yesterday, and we both ended up with 10 gallons (OG: 1.050).
I used 10oz of DME and Joe needed 8oz to hit our pre-boil numbers. My advice is to pair up and make 20 gallons and do the first couple steps combined until you approach mash out.
When Joe picked up his Yeast for this project there were only 4 packets of yeast left last week...I saw that Jeff, Eric and Pete are left and wanted to make sure that you at least one of you picked up your yeast if not, you may have to special order it.
Do we have a fill plan yet? If we are emptying the barrel on sat, how soon do we need to fill it back up?
On saturday we will be emptying and then rearranging the barrels. Im stopping off today to pick up the chemicals we will need to make a storage solution that will sit in the barrel for a few weeks. That should strip any of the residual bourbon flavors out before we put in the lambic.
We will put it in in a few weeks. Probly around the same time that the other 2 sour beers are ready and fill them all at once.
FYI, It cost me about $23 for the chemicals we will need to fill this and the other barrel with to properly store them for these beers. I dont feel like I should charge this to the club as were the only ones going to use this. But I also dont want to get stuck with the costs. So it would be cool if everyone tossed me a few bucks when we fill. Im shooting for filling all 3 barrels on the 27th.
Any update when we are going to fill the barrel? I would like to be around and help if possible.
the barrel was filled about 3 weeks ago. It smells awsome already.
Oh, well good news then I guess. Sorry for not being around to help out.
Is there a consensus on how long we are leaving this one in the barrel? Or just taste it after a few months and see?
Itll be in there for 1 year min. I think 2 will be a good time.
I just tasted the other day cus I was there tasting all my stuff anyway. It is headed in a good direction, so the wait will be worth it.
Awesome. Love the long game approach.
So this barrel has been sitting for about 1.5 years now. Anyone taste recently?
i tasted this last weekend also. It is very nice. what i want to do with this is esentially have some more ~10-15 gallons brewed up by ???? then switch it out. Any takers?
I could bottle up what is coming out and divide amungst everone.
what is everyone else thouts?
I would be happy to brew some more. I would co-brew with someone on the ToP, or just whatever.
Are you thinking of doing a thing where every 6 months we toss fresh in and pull some old out to bottle?
I'd be up for brewing some for this
The emperor is not as forgiving as i am
Does anyone want to brew again for this and do the cuvee thing, or are we just going to empty and each donate a bit to the club for summer bbq as mentioned in other thread?
Edit: Bill - I am down to brew again with you for a big batch to refill with any we pull out. I am just wondering what the call is on the direction we are going wiht it.
I'm interested!
I'm interested if the barrel is still useable.
July 16th 10a.m sharp this barrel will be emptied. Have empty kegs cleaarly marked and waiting for beer. Or be on hand to help.
Does the club have any kegs we can use for the clubs portion of beers? Or anyone willing to part with a keg for a while?
Even though I don't have a portion in there, I should be able to be there to help out and may even have a keg available. Will know for sure about the keg in a week or so.
I have two kegs at the brewhouse that are either empty or have the remnants of Cerveza beers in them. If you need a spare or two, feel free to dump and clean them; I won't be using them any time soon.
As long as my baby is not currently coming out, or has just crawled out. I will be there to help with barrel emptying.
Any rough guess what the allotments might come out? I am thinking about bottling.
Should be around 6-8 gal each
I also have a keg that you guys could borrow. Just let me know if you need it.
What's the size of the club's portion?
same as everyones well need 2 kegs.
I have 2 clean kegs that are not being used.
The emperor is not as forgiving as i am
Question about how you think it best to take this the last step.
Is everyone planning to drink this straight from keg, or is anyone else going to bottle? Is the yeast still able to come back and bottle condition? Would i need to add yeast with priming sugar if im going to bottle?
I plan to bottle mine and am approaching it as a gueze, rather than a lambic, as we techincally do have different ages of beer blended into it, so am going to carbonate mine. You can add about 2/3 of a packet of champagne yeast and the appropriate amount of priming sugar (7.6 oz/five gallons) for carbonation.
Reminder everyone. Ill be at the brewhouse bright and early to get this barrel emptied and start brewing. I need help! Im planning on getting to the brewhouse around 8!
I will be there bright and early...
... as long as my wife doesn't go into labor tongiht.
Yeah so im still out wont be at the brewhouse till later try 10