Wanted to get the general consensus for the next Workshop Series offering. I was leaning towards a Temperature Control Box build co-hosted with Lucas.
We would build a functioning temperature controller for hot and cold for home kegerators or stir plates that need to hold a certain temp.
Those that want to just learn can still participate, but we will be taking preorders to bulk buy the necessary equipment for those of you that would like to build one that evening.
Please let me know the interest on this forum post. The date would most likely be Sept 21st or 28th.
Interested. Either date works, though 21 would be preferred. Those are Sundays, is that what you had in mind?
Lucas's schedule does not allow for weekday evenings...would like to have him in on this since he has quite a bit of experience on the DIY builds.
The 28th works best for me.
If we buy in bulk we're able to get the STC-1000 controllers that are the norm (although sadly celsius and now farenheight) for about $12.00 each, which is much cheaper than the usual $15 or so. I used to be able to find places that were less than $10, but sadly they don't seem to exist any more. It'll take some time to get them, so we do need to try and order stuff ahead of time, but overall they'll be pretty cheap.
Oh... my... god. Why haven't we done this? http://thechive.com/2013/09/17/guys-rig-up-buddies-plumbing-with-beer-wh...
Im in sounds fun