I'd like some liquid crystal thermometer strips for my Erlenmeyer flasks in pasteurization ranges and autoclaving ranges. This company is the only one that I could find providing them at a reasonable price at these ranges, but the problem is that their minimum order is 20 units. I'm looking to gauge interest in a group buy for these that I will lead.
Mark...I would be down for three strips if a group order happens.
I would take 2 of each.
I'm planning on doing 5 of each (4x for 500ml flasks, 4x for 2000ml flasks, 2x for 5000ml flask).
Brings the tally to 10 of each, so we're half way there. I'll set a deadline of next Friday for getting in on this group buy. If it's not filled by then, I will extend the deadline.
Thanks guys!
Still only half way there. Anybody else want thermometer strips?
I'll take 2 of each
The emperor is not as forgiving as i am
Just an FYI, if you want we can easily add this to the group buy system to manage all of the orders. That's what it was designed for. Just let me know or send me over a listing of items you've got available, how much you're going to charge people for each (don't forget to include shipping!), and I'll get it setup.
Oh... my... god. Why haven't we done this? http://thechive.com/2013/09/17/guys-rig-up-buddies-plumbing-with-beer-wh...