Someone really cranked the regulator valve on this burner and in trying to help loosen it the shaft twisted off. Couldn't find a new valve, so we laid it down and put a sign on it. Anyone brewing in that bay will probably have to move until it's fixed.
Sat, Jan 10, 2015 - 1:01pm
Brew Bay #1 Burner
I know Chuck said we needed to replace the whole valve assembly on this. Has anyone put in an order for that? (or know exactly what we need or where to get it?) I don't know squat about this kind of stuff, but if there's anything I can do to help get it fixed, point me in the right direction.
I believe Mark purchased the part to fix this already. I'll email him now.
It was backordered at Brew & Grow last Monday - but they have it now.
Burner 1 is fixed!
Awsome, thanks Mark!