I thought I saw somewhere a form/sheet that apprentices are supposed to have their brewing supervisor sign off on while we do our three brews. I can't find it. Did I imagine this? Would someone be able to point me in the right direction to find it?
TIA - Bill
Hi, Bill.
I can email you those forms tomorrow.
There has been a bit of confusion as of late regarding supervisors signing off. The form is an application for 24/7 access. You can complete your three supervised brews at any level (Trial, Friend, Apprentice, or Brewer) - and this is the part people haven't been clear about - *only Brewer level members are eligible for 24/7 access.* i.e., you can get your three supervised brews in at any level but you must then upgrade your membership to Brewer level in order to actully be awarded 24/7 access.
Jim, thanks for the clarification.
Thanks Jim! I look forward to getting the form. 24/7 will be nice to gain because of my work travel schedule (roughly 50%) makes it hard to get in when others are around. At least that is what I am finding.
I'll go ahead and up my membership to Brewer.