UK 2-row- 19 lbs
Munich- 1.62 lbs
Belgian Debittered- .81 lbs
Roast Barley- 2.16 lbs
Chocolate- 1.35 lbs
Crystal 60- 2.16 lbs
Total 27 lbs-
75 Minute- 2 ounces Willamette
30 minute- 1 ounce Willamette
0 minute- 1 ounce Willamette
Mash at 154-156 degrees, no lower.
OG- 1.129
FG- 1.040
Yeast- US-05- 2 packets, or a starter with equivalent yeast count.
(424 billion yeast cells needed, equivalent to two 11.5 gram dry yeast packets)- Mr. Malty
Fellow Chaos Members.
The master of wood has anounced the next barrel project or projects to commence shortly.
Most of you have already asked to be invited into this next barrel project alreay so the list has technically already been formulated. However please confirm your acceptance in here.
This barrel project will be esentially 2 in 1. We will be brewing a RIS and aquiring a new Rye barrel from High West Distillery when we are ready. The Recipe is still TBD shortly. After a month before the beer comes out we will add 50/50 blackberry's and raspberry's. (Anyone have any cool names to change to?)
Similatiously, while this beer is going on we will be making a large desert Melomel to go in once the beer is complete. The timeline will be such that on the day that we fill the barrel I want to close down the brew house and have a Meat and Mead day where we fill the barrel, make the mead, and have a small social BBQ after while drinking a few choice bottles of mead.
Also for the fruit I was thinking of trying the high quality Oregon Puree's Ive heard good things about them and the price is right. Any Other suggestions?
1. Josh - brewed - B Paid - m paid -
2. Chuck - brewed - B Paid - m paid -
3. Jermey - brewed - - B Paid - M Paid -
4. John G. - brewed - B Paid - m paid -
5. Chaos Batch - brewed - B Paid - m paid -
6. Bill - brewed - B Piad - M Paid -
7. Nancy - brewed - B Paid - M Paid -
8. Jeff - brewed - B Paid - m paid -
9. Pete - brewed - B Paid - M Paid -
10. Ken G. - brewed - B Paid - M Paid -
11. Mike - brewed - B Paid - M Paid -
12. Rich - brewed - b paid - m paid -
Excited! Oregon is good. I've used them before so is Vitners.
In for sure!
These are the purees I plan on getting.
https://shop.fruitforbrewing.com/(link is external)
The quanity is large at 42 lbs each package. Well need a couple and can be used for both Im assuming.
In. I say we go back to the original recipe, or at least not the last one.
Berries in Your Rye
Jammin in the Rye
Fence Row Rye
I like Jammin in the Rye!
I'm also in, but I thought that went without saying!
I'm in for sure.
The emperor is not as forgiving as i am
Count me in as well.
I know the chosen have, well, have been chosen --- but if there's any room in the future for 1 more spot please let me know. I'd love to get in on this sometime.
thanks! -brandon
I'm in
"Give a man a beer, and he will waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, and he will waste a lifetime!" Bill Owen
Definitely in on this. Thanks for getting it together, Josh!
Same here, can I get wait-listed for the next one?
If there are any cancellations, I'd like to hop in, considering first-come-first-served order.
Otherwise, next time!
If jermey is jeremy I'm in.
If jermey is jeremy I'm in.
All, Ive updated the first post with the recipe we will be using.
Get to brewing. I expect all beers to be brewed by the end of june. Anounce when you will be brewing this asap. If there is no public response to your schedule you will be kicked from the project.
First spot to be filled will be a club batch, I forgot to include. From there we will go down the line of fill ins that responded.
Im brewing on saturday 10:30 am anyone wanna double up and brew with me on the TOP?
If I don't get to it this weekend, I'll brew it the week of the 8th. Thanks Josh!
Also, are we separating the chocolate and roasted barely malts and adding them at the last 15 minutes of the mash?
yes john I will be.
Call me stupid, but I cannot find a grain in Beer Smith for Belgian Debittered. I have tried looking under Belgian and just debittered and come up with nothing.
Is it just a black patent malt?
The emperor is not as forgiving as i am
Bill it definitely exists weve nrewed this recipe a few times already. Theyll have it at brew and grow
http://www.northernbrewer.com/shop/belgian-debittered-black-malt(link is external)
Im going to double my batch and brew one for the club. AKA last one to brew is out.
Better get to it if you still want in.
Anounce when you will be brewing and verify once actually complete.
I am announcing that my brewing will commence on Monday - Memorial Day 2015
I'll get to it this weekend or never. Is this recipe 5 gallon?
I hereby declare that I will be brewing on or around the 29th of May, if not before. Bitch.
I will be brewing my batch next Sat.
Next Thursday!!!
I hereby declare that I will be brewing this on Thursday the 28th of May.
The emperor is not as forgiving as i am
Bill- They have it at brew and grow. Dingeman's mout roost 1400
After checking with Brock and making sure there is room, I'm brewing mine tomorrow! 2 clarifications, 75 minute boil and no need rehydrating the yeast, right?
I would also like to suggest "race to the finish rye" as the name, or something that acknowledges the mad dash we brewed this in, as the spirit of quick unity will inevitably be represented in the beer!
I brewed mine yesterday! OG 1.12
It's a doozie!
Yes 75 min boil, no on yeast just pitch 2 packs.
Josh, what fruit will be used for the melomel and when will it be added to the barrel?
this is the preliminary recipe thatll be used for the melomell. Like mentioned earlier in the post I wanna use the puree's listed for all the fruit both for the beer and the melomel. Its going to get pretty pricy so I wanna keep it down as much as possible for everyone without sacrificing quality.
For the mellomel the fruit would all be done and out before it goes in the barrel. For the beer we would freeze off a portion of the blackberry and raspberry purees to go in a month before we take it out.
The recipe is for totals for each persons batch, obviously there is more to it then listed the main difference in mead making is in the fermentation schedule. This will be worked out later.
Just finished mine tonight. OG 1.104. Sorry everyone. But I thought of a name. berryly to the finish rye.
Just finished mine tonight. OG 1.104. Sorry everyone. But I thought of a name. berryly to the finish rye.
So I found out that Aug. 1st is national Mead Day. What a better day then to also have our mead mixing day.
This should also coincide of everyone involved filling the barrel. We should be able to have all of our mead ingredients by that day as well.
Please let me know if you cannot attend that day it is a saturday. We will start early and fill the barrel with the beer then as a group we will all mix our meads and start the fermentation. It will not be an option to not be a part of the group its all for 1.
You mentioned a while ago you were doing a group buy for honey. Details?
Hey Musketeer!
I will not be in Chicago that day. I have a bachlorette party in Nashville the first weekend of Aug.
Most likly I will be ordering from here. For this we will need (4) 5gallon pails of honey.
If anyone seperatly from this buy wants honey let me know how much. Id like to group into whole 60lb pails in order in that qty if possible. So if you need to ask around and group up to buy in multiples of 60 lbs.
Are you OK with the rest of the group proceeding without you and mixing for you on that day if we proceed?
For the first 10 days after mixing we need to divy up the responsibility of stiring in yeast nutient to all batchs. You can take multiple days of this to make up?
Are you OK with the rest of the group proceeding without you and mixing for you on that day if we proceed?
For the first 10 days after mixing we need to divy up the responsibility of stiring in yeast nutient to all batchs. You can take multiple days of this to make up?
I am OK with you guys proceeding without me and I will help on any days that I am in town with the process to keep things moving. I'm in Chicago most weekdays this Summe, but my weekends are really sparce this year.
Thanks, Nanc
I should be available that day. What did I get myself into? Is it really 24lbs. of fruit per person or are those amounts total? If so, that is ridiculous.
I should be available on August 1st, too.
Oh, and I ended up with five gallons last night, but only at 1.108.
There's a national mead day?!?! That's lollapalooza weekend and I have a 3 day pass. Ahh! I'll have been there Friday but I can wake up early and help in the morning. They don't have the time everyone is going on yet, so not sure if there's anyone I want to see early. What time were you thinking of starting? Would it be cool if I ducked out early that day?
Yes fine if you leave early well see closer. Im sure everyone willlend a hand throughout fermentation.
Would you expect anything else but rediculous haha. However i did speak to soon thats why i wanted to wait to post. There is a deferent recipe that we will go with out of the shramm book that is more reasonable.
I'm ok with going big, but not sure 288 lbs of fruit will even fit in a barrel. People will start calling you the Master of Produce.
I am brewing tomorrow!
My batch was brewed on Sat. Went in at 1.127, and is bubbling away.
Also, the 8/1 mead day sounds great.