I got the Northern Brewer starter kit last summer when I started brewing, and have never used the 5 gallon kettle that came with it. Free to anyone who wants it.
I got the Northern Brewer starter kit last summer when I started brewing, and have never used the 5 gallon kettle that came with it. Free to anyone who wants it.
I'd love to take that off your hands! Currently doing tiny batches in a 2G pot. Let my 9 gal at home in Michigan.
Silly phone double posted.
It's all yours! Are you going to be at the brewhouse at all this weekend? I can drop it off Saturday morning.
That would be up to the club. I probably won't be able to grab it for a couple days though.
Not really a member yet, so not sure what the club policies are on stuff cluttering up the joint.
I'll send you a PM