Open Mic/Ro Night is a co-hosted event between Beermiscuous craft beer cafe and CHAOS Brew Club. Homebrewers bring two bombers of home brew if they wish; the homebrewer speaks briefly about their beer and then everyone tastes the beer and provides feedback. Please only 1 beer per home brewer.
This is a great way to patronize one of the most awesome craft beer establishments in the city, taste craft and home brew, learn how to add to your beer-tasting vocabulary, meet fellow Chicago craft-beer lovers, and have a great time!
CHAOS members also get a discount on the tap beers!
Its a must attend event for sure. hexder
Beermisuous has created a sign-up through Event-Brite, so they can anticipate the number of beers and attendees. Here's the link:
I suppose I will attend tomorrow.
I will be serving one of the club Tuesday Bresday beers, and American porter. In addition to cramming the mash tun with grains for a 10 gallon batch, I also crammed with mash water with calcium chloride.
Thanks, James!!!
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