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Nominations for Empty Board Seat

Hello, CHAOS!

Unfortunately, our web guru and hacker aficionado Lucas Morris is moving away and so we have one more special election this coming Sunday to fill a single Board position. This Board Member would fulfill the remainder of Lucas' term which is approximately a year-and-a-half.

Please use this thread to nominate yourself and/or someone else.

I've been a member for a little more than a year now, since we moved into the city, and am grateful for all the great things the club does - it really is extraordinary.  I've served on the board of a homebrew club previously and know that its a serious commitment.  I wouldn't want to take a seat from someone else who really wanted to serve in this way, but if there isn't someone stepping forward like that, I would be able to commit to fulfilling the remainder of Lucas' term.  

Seconded for Jim!

I'm going to nominate myself.  I've been with the club for 3 1/2 years now and think it's time to to take a larger role.  I'm not really an idea guy, but more of a just get it done guy.  I've hosted multiple open houses, always help to setup for events.  Even stayed up overnight roasting a pig.  Brewed for all of the parties/hop school except for the last one.  Surpervised numerous trial members through their brewing apprenticeship.

The emperor is not as forgiving as i am

Second Jim and Bill.

I wanted the spot, but I think Jim V is the best candidate. His experience and knowledge make him a shoe-in, and I think he can get the board back to basics, break the bottle neck on projects, and get shit done.

I fourth Jim.

I am nominating myself as well.  Not really sure how long I have been a member, but it has been since near the start.  I joined the club with no real interest in brewing, frankly.  Dave Williams was my upstairs neighbor and he kept kegs full of beer downstairs and said help yourself(I think), and I did.  And I liked it.  A lot.  Now I am the guy with his own beer in his fridge, making and drinking stuff I would not have imagined then.  I have met a lot of great people and had a lot of fun and CHAOS has become important to me, and I would likely not be making such awesome beer without them slapping my hand when needed.  It is a great club that can make a homebrewer out of someone that had no interest in being one.

I have no specific agenda, other than supporting efforts to improve brewing conditions for everyone, and making sure club funds are spent on projects that benefit brewers at all levels.  I like to keep things fun when possible, and promote ways to get and keep club members active in upkeep of the brewhouse.


Yo go, Rich! Happy to see you throw your hat in the ring!

I love it!!  Competition!  

Ranger Rich

This is fantastic!  I think Bill, Steven and Rich would all make excellent board members.  Personally, I'm planning to vote for all three of them on Sunday - yes, I'm voting three times, its the Chicago way.  

Because there are three really good candidates, each of whom would do a great job for the club, I do not need to be a candidate and am pulling out.  Serving on a board is only one way of serving, and I'm delighted to continue to ramp up my service to the club in other ways, both in the brewhouse and in our programs.  

Becoming involved in CHAOS has been a terrific thing for me.  It is a really extraordinary club, with extraordinary people, and I feel blessed to be a part of it! 

Ballots are already printed Jim, you have to stay in.


I meant to acknowledge my interest in the position, but I do not want to nominate myself.

I think you would be much more effective on the board than myself, and I think you are the best candidate.

Please go for it!


Words hurt Steven.  But he's right Jim, you should stay in.  

I'm happy to stay on the ballot in order to have multiple choices, but am serious that I think either Bill or Rich (or Steven if he wanted to run) would be great board members and will be voting for one of them. 

Some clubs have a problem getting good board members  -  the fact that CHAOS has so many talented folks willing to serve is outstanding!  

I'll Nominate Steven, and second everyone else.  Gonna be a good race.  I'm hoping to recieve bribes, in the Chicago style.   And I don't necessarily mean Chicago Style Hot Dogs, although I will gladly accept those if that is your prefered method of bribery....

Seriously though, this is a great field of candidates.