No yeast bank, who wants to swap some strains?

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Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Web-only, member since
No yeast bank, who wants to swap some strains?

Hey guys, so the yeast bank didn't get enough interest to get started on site (BOOO!) but that's no reason to not collaborate anyways! I know at least a couple of you would probably be interested in doing this on the side.

If you're interested at all in exchanging some yeast cultures, various ale yeasts, lager yeasts, brett strains, cultures, lacto, mixed cultures, etc, etc. Let me know! Add your viable cultures to the google doc below, get in touch with someone who has something you'd like to get your hands on and be kind!

All of my cultures are propogated via appropriate starters as per the brewunited yeast calculator, based on the work of braukaiser, and stored in sterilized (UV irradiated) 50mL centrifuge test tubes. These are cheap, reusable, air and water tight, and a perfect size for me. They are NOT pitchable into 5 gallon batches, but work great for my smaller batch sizes. If you intend on doing this for a 5 gallon batch, you'll need to make propogate it up via a starter. If you don't have a way to make a starter, send me an email and I'll see if I can propogate before meeting up.

More on my harvesting method here :


Yeast for yeast, or yeast for some homebrew drinkable yeast samples would be a nice exchange in my eyes yes

PS: I'll be sharing this with the CHBG as well, and if I can actually get their freaking website to work, the guys at chihops in southside, so there's a lot of potential to get some nice variety established in the mix!

Kyle N
Kyle N's picture
Last seen: 23 hours 30 min ago
Alchemist, member since
Just wanted to say that if

Just wanted to say that if you are talking about the 50 ml conical bottom centrifuge tubes similar to those I left at the brewhouse for StarSan measurement, they should NOT be reused when dealing with live or sterile cultures. 

Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Web-only, member since
I haven't needed to do so yet

I haven't needed to do so yet, as I still have 45 sterilized ones remaining. However I have no intention of just tossing them out after use, they're might handy. I don't see why it's any different than reusing the whitelabs yeast vial preforms, or mason jars. As long as they're cleaned, and sanitized they should be fine right?


These are the ones I have

Kyle N
Kyle N's picture
Last seen: 23 hours 30 min ago
Alchemist, member since
I just prefer complete

I just prefer complete sterilization when handling pure cultures that sit dormant for periods of time. Also goes along with any issues of cross contamination from strain to strain. 

Just my personal preference, however. 

Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Web-only, member since
Understandable, and that's my

Understandable, and that's my preference as well but I don't have an autoclave or pressure cooker anymore, left it back home in storage. In the meanwhile I'll be using the remaining 45 pre steriilzed tubes I have.

When they run out, I'll soak in oxyclean, rinse thoroughly, starsan, then rinse again and throw them in the microwave for about 30 seconds (not the best way to sterilize I know, but it was what it was originally invented for). Spray with starsan again before filling.

Obviously the best method would be to plate and isolate any incoming cultures, then propogate up as needed. Don't have my equipment to do that anymore though, also left it back home.


Rich's picture
Last seen: 4 weeks 1 day ago
Alchemist, member since
Not sure if this is of

Not sure if this is of interest to you guys, but Goose Island gave us 1500 ml of their ale yeast right out of their fermenters for the homebrew project they are doing.  If you want it after I brew it for your collection, let me know.   

Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
So I honestly just make extra

So I honestly just make extra starter and put it into PBW-ed and StarSan-ed mason jars in my fridge.  I have a couple of strains but is that not "sterile" enough for you guys?  I'm happy to share and have re-used yeast many times this way but if you arent ok with it Ill keep the yeast to myself.  Have a great stout yeast (Denny's Favorite) and a bunch of Saison Yeast. 

Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Web-only, member since
Sounds great guys, the way I

Sounds great guys, the way I see it the more the merrier! I'd prefer sterilized containers, but I've done it the same way for two years and had no issues. Will happily take some Denny's 50 and some saisons depending on what strains you have, a member in CHBG (Metic/Amos) lives close to me and have a ton of belgian, saison,and brett yeasts so I probably already have a source for it.

Do you know what the goose island yeast it?

If you guys want anything that I have listed in the doc sheet let me know!

Matt O
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Alchemist, member since
Mark, nice to get the ball

Mark, nice to get the ball rolling. I will be bringing plates to streak tonight to the brewhouse and will gladly be open to share.

FYI on CHBG - the ring leader there, Bill, does not play nice with CHAOS. If you mention anything about us or any kind of collaboration it'll get deleted.

Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Web-only, member since
@ Matt sounds great man. What

@ Matt sounds great man. What strains will you have?

Already posted shortly after this opening post, he's responded but aside from a short jibe at the brewhouse being dirty and a harbor for potential infections, it's been a somewhat productive discussion.

They have a bunch of strains available, another CHBG member has a frozen yeast bank via glycerin in his freezer, so I'm going to get as many strains from him as I can, his available strains are added to my google doc above.

Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Web-only, member since
Got some of the yeast from

Got some of the yeast from Metic from CHBG, some bretts, TYB vermont and TYB wallonian farmhouse. Did some color coding so I can find things easier. Brown = brett, tan = belgian, light blue = english.


Adam/Matt if you're interested in trading, add what you have to the spreadsheet and anything you're interested in to the "Wanted tab" so anyone that has it could contact you if they get it at some point.

So far noone's actually contacted anyone except me reaching out to others. If anyone wants to get anything I have, feel free to reply here or send me an email.

Boollish's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Alchemist, member since
I have a clean plate of

I have a clean plate of Augustiner lager. Metropolitan swear by it. If you want a day where you plate it out for people I'm game.