Beer popped in ferm room

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Rich's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 16 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
Beer popped in ferm room

Someone's beer beer gushed over and the cap was on the floor. The tag was stuck to the floor face down with the cap. I tried soaking it off, but the only clear thing I could make out was "Stewpid". Lived up to it's name I guess. I cleaned up what was in the walkway and put the cap back on. Might want to use a blowoff for the next one.

Stewpid's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Alchemist, member since
Rich... That was me.  I just

Rich... That was me.  I just got the plastic fermentor for Christmas and didn't have a blow off tube. I'm so sorry!!! I stopped by the day after I brewed when Nancy was brewing to check and make sure it was going to be okay. It looked like it was okay that day. This will not happen again. I didn't have access to go check on it the following day.  I will not be using this fermentor ever again for primary. I'll make sure to get you a 6 pack from this batch if it works out. If I can get access I want to make sure I can go clean up anything that is still in the room. 

Rich's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 16 hours ago
Alchemist, member since
No big deal, just couldn't

No big deal, just couldn't tell who it belonged to. Beers blow up sometimes, especially good ones.