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Borrow a keg or 2 for party?

Hey everyone: 2 questions

1.  I have 3 batches for the party and not enough empty kegs (bad planning on my part, been busy.Can I borrow 1 or 2 kegs? There are a couple under the stairs last time I was there.  I'll be happy to clean and steralize before and after.  

2. I notice there aren't any empty fields in the beer spreadsheet... are we at max, or can I insert some rows?

I have a keg that's empty, but it requires cleaning (has dregs of the last beer) and also pickup (it's at my apartment in the loop, and my back is messed up so I won't make it to the brewhouse before Cerveza). If you don't get more convenient offers and are able to come pick it up, it's all yours!

Kris, we haven't printed the menus yet; Steven is currently organizing everything. ahead and add your beers below the guest brewers so we can see that they are new additions to the list.

If anyone else needs to submit a beer, please do so by 6:00 pm on Sunday.

Brock, I'll take it. I'll send you a PM about when I can snag it. Thanks man.

Hey Kris, there is a keg labeled S.LANE, go ahead and use it, and feel free to add your beer to the spreadsheet. Do it soon, very soon!

Thanks Steven!  And they have been added to the sheet.

If you are still in need of one more keg, feel free to use mine.  Probably needs some cleaning though.


Thanks Joe! I think I'm good though.

Hey everyone. Does anyone know if someone used reed's keg?  He grabbed it today and it's full of an IPA?  Let me know if you hear about anyone using it, cause he need it. Have fun at the party!

Hey Stephen and Brock. I'm going to be at the club house this weekend and I will clean, sanitize, and put your kegs under the stairs... unless:

1. you want whatever might be left in them (I think Brock's has "Golden Legend" and Stephen's has "Ice Pick") or...

2. It's cool to put them in the house keezer if they have anything left.

Either way, if they are emptpy I will clean them. Thanks guys, really appreciate it!

Hey Kris, I'd say put them into the keezer rotation.

Works for me too, I won't be filling that keg any time soon. If you could do me a solid and just make sure there's a hangy tag with my name on it, I'd appreciate it. I'm pretty sure I labeled the side of it with sharpie, too, but that's harder to find when it's in the keezer.

Will do. Thanks again guys.

That cider was something else, btw. Fantastic job. 

Wow, thanks man! I'm glad you liked it.