0% (0 votes)
32% (7 votes)
27% (6 votes)
18% (4 votes)
18% (4 votes)
5% (1 vote)
0% (0 votes)
Women's Small
0% (0 votes)
Women's Medium
0% (0 votes)
Women's Large
0% (0 votes)
Women's XL
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 22
Hey Brewsters, we are going to order another round of the beloved CHAOS work shirts, please use this poll to select your size. We're looking into sizes/cuts for women.
Red Kap:
Short Sleeve Work Shirt (Charcoal)
Sizes (Neck Measurement, Back Length and Sleeve Length)
S | 14 - 14 1/2 |
RG: 33 LN: 35 1/2 |
M | 15 - 15 1/2 |
RG: 33 1/2 LN: 35 1/2 |
L | 16 - 16 1/2 |
RG: 34 LN: 36 |
XL | 17 - 17 1/2 |
RG: 34 1/2 LN: 36 |
2XL | 18 - 18 1/2 |
RG: 35 LN: 36 |
3XL | 19 - 19 1/2 |
RG: 35 LN: 36 |
4XL | 20 - 20 1/2 |
RG: 35 LN: 36 |
All measurements in inches.
You know you want one...
Ladies, we will check with the vendor to see if the Red Kap shirt for women is available.
Steven. I sent you an email with the short info. I also signed up for a second shirt. I'm also interested in the patches...would it look cheesy to have printed instead of patch? Would definitely be cheaper...but might not have same look and feel. I'll leave those design decisions up to you. Thanks for getting a second round of shirts going.
Thanks for the info Dave, we'll go with Grandstand Glassware again, pretty cool they still have our preview link from last time:
Since this is a personal cost and shirts and patches are pretty cheap, I would like to go with patches on the front. If we all have the same base shirt, patches are a cool way to personalize your "uniform". I will post some patch design options and look into a vendor.
BTW, I hate the old rectangle patch, the vendor fucked with our logo, and this pic of Chuck shows how the CHAOS patch is too large.
Pass out at a party...
AT least I didn't wake up with sharpie dicks on my face...
Are you planning on doing them all Regular, or can I get mine as a Long?
I would be in for a long as well, if possible.
Party prep for Cerveza de Mayo is eating up all my CHAOS time. I'll get back to our shirt order right afterwards and look into sizing and fit options.
Stephen, thanks for doing this. Appreciate all your hard work man. I've wanted one of these shirts since I started, but I figured they were only for alchamists. Stoked to earn some patches.
Hey Folks, I have not forgotten your CHAOS work shirts! There is still time to add yourself to the order by voting on the poll at the top of this thread. I hope to place the order next week.
Here is the page for the Men's short sleeve (Charcoal):
Here are two options for Women:
Nancy, the Womens shirts are a different maker, so they would not match exactly. I guess tailoring a Mens small would be more uniform with the rest. Your call, I added extra poll options for women. Sorry for the oversight ladies!
Tall dudes, I'm not seeing long options. Grandstand claims they have additional garments not on their site. I plan to call their customer service to see if we can source different shirts on one print run.
Ha, my reading comprehension is fail. I think i was looking at some toher site. Well if they do Tall sizes i would love an XLT.
OK, I contacted Grandstand about custom orders, and we can definitely special order the Red Kap women's shirt, and I believe they can also special order long and extra long sizes.
For the women's shirt, Red Kap does not have the charcoal option, but the navy dark blue looks alright. You can order a different color shirt for a little extra. If you do not request a color, we'll just order you a charcoal shirt.
Here is the size chart and color options from the shirt manufacturer's website (URLs below)
Men's info:
Women's info:
Pricing info for different colors (select color option to see price):
We should take orders by name so that there is no confusion at the time of delivery.
Hey Kyle,
In hindsight, a spreadsheet would have been a better way to collect orders, but I can see who 'voted' for which size. Here's the list so far...
I could have sworn I voted. Kris Blouch for a Large.
Thanks Stephen!
Largue and LN if they can do that type of shirt. If not a Large
XL should be just fine then. Thanks for organizing!
Thanks for voting Kris (you too Stewpid, and any other new orders) – lists are nice – I hate pecking through forum posts to string info together.
That being said, I am paying attention to those long requests. I will repost the list before the order is placed with notes on irregular sizes.
Speaking of irregular, anyone up for a weird color?
Orange is the new Charcoal.
The patch order thread is definitely going to need a spreadsheet.
I love orange, but I really want a classic black one. Good call bringing it up; I'm really excited to see a new round of chaos member shirts around. Awesome.
I love orange, but I really want a classic black one. Good call bringing it up; I'm really excited to see a new round of chaos member shirts around. Awesome.
I love orange, but I really want a classic black one. Good call bringing it up; I'm really excited to see a new round of chaos member shirts around. Awesome.
I mean, I really wanted an extra medium. But I guess I can settle for a large.
Thanks for calling me out for ordering an XXL . . .
And I look good in lavendar, but will take a charcoal.
Seriously, Steven, thanks for organizing this!
Can I get a large xln?
Comrades, I'm closing the work shirt order, the results are in the image below (23 total), let me know if you see an error ASAP.
There was some confusion about work shirts only being available for Alchemists, so I want to clarify that Alchemists get one free work shirt with patches as a perk for their above-and-beyond volunteer efforts.
Everyone else will pay the base material cost of your shirt and patches. I guessed on which Alchemists are first timers, and those that have already received a gift work shirt – please chime in if I got it wrong.
I will work with Jim V to process the order, people can pay Jim/CHAOS when the shirts are in.
You probably want a patch to put on that nice new CHAOS work shirt, here is the thread for picking out a patch and placing an order.
While I appreciate the upgrade, I am not in fact an alchemist ;-) That'll change your calculations a bit.
Brock, I'm going to make a motion for the board to pay for your shirt. You put too much time into building this club. I bet the vote is unanimous.
While I sincerely appreciate the thought, that's simply not the case. I haven't done jack for the website (or anything else, for that matter) in ages. I simply give the allusion of productivity because I'm quick to respond to emails ;-)
Order went up to 24 shirts (Matt K owes me a beer). Brock, your asterisk is gone. I'm still exploring my feelings on this matter ;-)
Stephen - Not sure it matters, but you have me down as 2nd shirt, but I never got a first one. I think that is just because I did not order one the first time around.
Thanks Rich, no problem, we got you.
please put me down for 2 xtra medium charcoal diddies...
It's my 1st shirt as well. Thanks
Steven - how are we working out the payment? Paypal? Chase quickpay? Venmo?
Good question, I'll bring it up at the meeting this Sunday. Sorry for the delays, I haven't processed the order yet, but we should be able to wrap this up on Monday.
So, I had to chew through two reluctant customer service reps and get bounced around the country till I found a woman that would tackle our odd order, three cheers to Freedom Beashore at egrandstand.com!!!
However, I'm afraid the long option for Men's short sleeve shirts is beyond the pale, sorry Todd and James. To be honest, if possible, I was tempted to bump all our orders to long. I've seen to much brewer butt crack at CHAOS, some things can't be unseen.
The order is in motion. I'll get to patch designs and tracking shipment, thanks for your patience.
Yo, your new shirt needs a patch or two, place a patch order ASAP!
Hey, work shirts are ready to be picked up, and you can find your shirt in a box at the front bar. Shirts are rolled up with patches in the front pocket, each one has a hang tag with your name. ALCHEMIST patches are still being worked on.
The following shows what everyone ordered. I will be using a table like this for future orders (not everyone got the patch thing). We'll order another round soon. I will start a new thread for that.
For those who owe for their shirts, I sent out PayPal invoices last week and reminders just now. Thanks to those who've already responded and if those who haven't yet could do so asap, that would be appreciated. Just click the link in the invoice and you'll be able to pay online.
Thank you to Steven for organizing this all!
Can someone remind me of the proper placement of CHAOS and name badges on the front? Or maybe post a photo of theirs?
I just did mine last night and put the CHAOS badge on the left and my name on the right. No one looked at me funny when I judged today. At least I don't think they did.
CHAOS on the left name on the right. The space below my name tape is for the Alchemist tape.
The emperor is not as forgiving as i am
Hey folks, there are still a bunch of unclaimed shirts in the box at the front bar, please pick up the shirt you ordered. Patches are in the front pocket of your shirt.
The alchemist patches got lost in the mail. The patch guy said he would redo them, waiting...
This is how I intended Alchemists to handle their shirts, which was posted months ago on this thread. If you're not planning on having an Alchemist patch, just center your name to the logo patch like Bill did.
I noticed my patches still on the counter the other day and felt a little embarassed for procrastinating on that.
But then I saw that there are still 8 shirts in the box on the bar and now I don't feel as bad.
Come get your shirts people!
If there are any extras (and it fits) I'd love to have one...
I forgot about this!! Thanks, I'll pick up tonight.
I'm with Ben R, if there are extras i'd love to buy one out of leftover pile (assuming one fits).
if not, how often are orders run for these (annualy?).
I'm with Ben R, if there are extras i'd love to buy one out of leftover pile (assuming one fits).
if not, how often are orders run for these (annualy?).
Hey Guys, sorry for the delay, been swamped with other CHAOS biz. We hit a snag with a lost shipment on the last patch order, and the patch guy never got back to me. It took weeks to get him set up for the first patch order, and he nailed it at a great price, so I'm hoping to get in touch with him to get production rolling again.
I'm going to set up a new spreadsheet that lists out options, but my hope is you all can order a single shirt and patches on your own.