Is this still happening or since the yeast was delayed we are rescheduling?
Is this still happening or since the yeast was delayed we are rescheduling?
Todd and I are brewing our beer till Monday...
Yeah, sorry. It's not happening until next month at least. I have not brewed yet. I'll edit it when we get an official date/location.
You guys are right to fear how good Jay and I's beers are. We may look like Laurel and Hardy, but our beer is no joke.
Can we just set a date for the party? I'm trying to plan out my June and July, so want to set aside time to attend.
June 18th or 25th. Let me know if you know of any conflicts.
My vote is for the 25th, out of town on the 18th for a wedding
The 18th works for me...
18th sounds pretty good
I'm out of town on the 18th but the 25th works for me.
How about a weeknight instead? Might be easier to schedule in the summer (I know I'm gone a lot of the weekends in June and July).
I'm pretty flexible just need to know in advance and hoping this will happen in June.
I wouldn't be able to do the weekend of the 25th.
Who didn't pick up their yeast? There's a shitload left in the fridge.
Jay and I are brewing again tonight, so ours will be gone.
Josh and I are brewing on Sunday.
Kegged and bottled the Cream Ale we (Patty, James and I) brewed, turned out nice and dry, crisp, clean for an ale, balanced, an easy-drinking summer beer with just a touch of the corn we used coming through. And clear!
Neither date works for me. The 18th I have a graduation party and the 25th I have a family reunion.
I'll be out both dates as well
Can it be scheduled on the same day as Tuesday Brewsday. 6/14?