Toasted Coconut

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Bernie.Brews's picture
Last seen: 4 years 12 months ago
Toasted Coconut

Hey ya'll! Does anyone have experience/advice using coconut in beer?

David's picture
Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
Alchemist, member since
Use unsweetened coconut

Use unsweetened coconut flakes or chips. Toast them in the oven until they turn slightly golden brown...don't burn them. I usually turn them after a few minutes and will spray mist them with water. As far as quantity you'll have to play around to figure out what you like. 1/2#-1# in 5 gallons provides a decent amount of flavor...but all this will depend on your base beer.

If you have enough beer and use kegs, I'd recommend taking 10 gallons...add double what you think is right to one keg and leave the other keg untouched. Then take small samples and blend the two together to reach your desired taste. Make sure to measure quantities in your bench tests, then scale up and blend into another keg. Move everything via pressure to keep oxygen exposure low. This is the best way to dial in coconut flavor...or any flavor for that matter  



Grizwald's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Brewer (Intro), member since
I bought a bag 1/2 lb bag of

I bought a bag 1/2 lb bag of raw unsweetended coconut and toasted it on a sheet of aluminum foil in the oven. once it turned golden brown i dumped it all into a mesh bag and dropped it in my keg.  I pulled the coconut out after 5 days. This was a 7.5% milk chocolate stout.  Flavor was prominent but balanced with everything else.  Coconut fades so go stronger if you are going to let it sit for a while.

Bernie.Brews's picture
Last seen: 4 years 12 months ago
Thanks for the advice. I was

Thanks for the advice. I was actually thinking about throwing some in the keg. Have you guys ever thrown any into the boil?

Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
Web-only, member since
No idea about this.

No idea about this.

Steven K Huot